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Zanesville Dead Animal Picture


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I knew this would blow up in google.. That's why i put it in a new thread instead of the old one and labeled it the way i did... 252 views in 3 hours and look at the google hits.

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Coshocton, OH
My buddy who lives in Dresden got a cell phone pic from one of his buddies who was actually on stand near this place when the animals were let out. He said he heard the guy shot and a few minutes later a grizzly came running across the open feild around 60 yards from him. Crazy!!!


central Ohio
I just wanna make one thing clear here. Theses animals weren't "given" to him by the state. They weren't animals that Zoos didn't want. These animals were mostly rescues or purchased from the unfortunate freedom of brokers in this country. Smugglers and breeders and the fact that we have auctions where you and I can go right here in the state of Ohio twice a year and purchase any one of these types of animals if we simply have the money to do so. Im no advocate of it by any means but get caught up in arguments about it from time to time simply because unfortunately there is too much difficulty in establishing the "fine line" that divides assholes like him. I have a friend who works for the gov and inspects places like his for compliance and could very possibly have inspected here - I haven't spoke to her yet since I have been home. Its very sad for the critters involved but its also a difficult set of laws. We in the rescue situation fear that new laws brought about by this kind of bullshit are all to real in the fact that if they outlaw exotics I have this situation....I have two large parrots, one I have had since she was a baby the other rescued from another stupid situation. If they pass laws banning exotics they will euthanize my "family members" who have been with me for Years and years. That would be a difficult day for me and don't think it wont happen. Anything other than dogs and cats are considered exotic under legal description..this includes all species of birds, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits...where DO they draw a line? It will also hurt the Game farmer and that will hurt our hunting industry as well...Deer are federally protected and therefore will be included. Fine print can hurt us all and it frightens me because acts like this idiot are making it easier for the tree hungers to pass bills that will affect all of us in the hunting AND pet industry.