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Phil's Adventures 2015 2016


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Guess I should start this. Season is nearly here.

So far this season. . .I killed some ground hogs. Changed a couple camera cards. Dropped minerals once or twice. Thought about checking straps and shooting lanes. Thought about it many times. Probably kick myself for not doing it yet. Most importantly, I have shot my bow quite a bit and feel great to 30yds. 40 is okay as well as 50yds but have zero intentions of shooting a deer this far.

Looking forward to opening weekend with my son. After opening weekend? Hunt whenever Garrett wants to hunt. Try to crank out as much work as I can (and there is way too much to get done before winter). Hopefully by late October/early November I just say screw it and sit in a tree somewhere to see what walks by. Probably the most unprepared I have been since I started hunting.

Today I was one of "those guys" hanging a set the weekend before season opens. Oh well. Won't hunt it until late October anyway.

What I have lined up for the season? Nothing. Shooting whatever floats my boat. Or willingly eating a tag. Just want to enjoy the season and be safe.


spencerville oh
Phil I'm in that same boat your floating in. As we talked a couple weeks ago. I have a few in mind but I haven't put my time in this year like I wanted too either so don't feel bad. Hung some sets last week and hanging a few more tomorrow. Im truly thinking the climber might be my savior this year. Good luck buddy. Just enjoy the time you get to get out and the rest will fall into place.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Sounds Good Phil.
Just suck on the moment whenever your out there. I wish you luck this season to enjoy just being there!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks guys for the encouragement and kind words.

Hoping today is not an indication of how the season is going to go. Landed a new property this year. Went in and mowed some terribly overgrown field they couldn't get to. Just offered as a nice gesture. Was going to head in Friday to throw some seed. Ran out of time. Same thing Saturday. Planned on hitting it this afternoon. Got a call from some guy who refused to identify himself. Claimed my neighbor rescinded my permission. Stuffed a letter in my mailbox. It was indeed a letter from her. Not sure what he told her, but she removed permission. He was a real ass about it. He made sure to say "Do not go talk to her and harass her." Umm. . .Sounds fishy to me. Wondered if he even talked to her when he said this as she is a very easy going, kind lady. Long story short, I went and talked to her. Still not sure what she was told, but she was apologetic and allowed me to remove my stand. All I can say is the guy is lucky my stand was still there. If the dude would have taken it, I was fully prepared to press charges for theft and tampering with my mailbox (he called me to tell me he put the letter in my box.)

Good side? At least I didn't get the seed put down. I was also extremely cordial with her and hopefully she sees my sincerity and his a-hole atttitude. That is about it. I do shed hunt, coyote hunt, and groundhog hunt the property next to it. This owner is a real nice guy but doesn't allow deer hunting. I keep an eye on the property and keep him posted since he lives out of town. Suppose I should mention the tree stand on his property? Wouldn't have done so prior. Never mentioned the crossbow bolts I found stuffed in his soil before. Might be a good neighbor and point this out to him now. Is that wrong? I honestly would have never mentioned it. If this guy wasn't such an a-hole to me on the phone, and would have played nice (I probably would have only hunted it a few times this year), I wouldn't have thought about it. I don't see myself as a vengeful person. I figure good things come to good people and bad mojo follows people who act like him. Probably need to let the fresh wounds settle a bit and reassess my thinking. That is probably best.

Anyway, I am back to the drawing board. No real targets (not that I had any specific targets over there). Just a handful of go to spots during the rut and looking forward to spending time with Garrett on opening weekend. Think I might take the tractor through my woods and work up some areas (lightly) and dispose of the seed I already purchased. . . . Or just put it in an airtight/watertight container and use it next year.
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"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Shame some a-hole did that to you. The seed will be OK next year if it's stored properly. I would be neighborly and report the illegal stand on his property. He might even change his mind and let you hunt it just so someone is watching over the property. Never know.
Man that does suck for sure Phil. That Karma's a bitch and hopefully it bites him good. I would definitely tell the neighbor about the treestand and all as it sound like the douchebag you met on the phone was likely slipping onto that property. Very frustrating I'm sure. Hang in there, everything happens for a reason they say!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Man that does suck for sure Phil. That Karma's a bitch and hopefully it bites him good. I would definitely tell the neighbor about the treestand and all as it sound like the douchebag you met on the phone was likely slipping onto that property. Very frustrating I'm sure. Hang in there, everything happens for a reason they say!

That is exactly what I am thinking. I am going in with minimal prospects. Sometimes seasons like this are the most rewarding. Simple: Go out and hunt. Relax. Have fun.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Dang Phil!!! That dude was pure asshole!!!! I hope karma rips him a new asshole!

Was this the property where a few guys already were hunting on and they mowed paths right to their treestands?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Dang Phil!!! That dude was pure asshole!!!! I hope karma rips him a new asshole!

Was this the property where a few guys already were hunting on and they mowed paths right to their treestands?

In all fairness, I had mowed some meandering lanes to where I placed my tree stand as well. I could meander down my lane without being seen. I zig zagged my lane. Theirs was a straight lane and mowed in big areas around their stands. I had mowed 78" wide path with larger area in front of stand to 15-20yds and had planned on seeding it. Glad I didn't have time to seed it. Honestly Ric, I wish I took pics of their stands. The "shooting lanes" were as big as a Mack truck and the stands looked like neon signs on the side of the trees. Curious if they ever shoot deer with anything but a gun? I think it would be tough to get one into bow range as highlighted as the stands were. Not my problem. I move on. This stuff happens everywhere. Unfortunately. . . It happened to me this year.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I remember you mowing your path but was wondering if those were the guys who left you the note and talked her into rescinding your permission.