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Kids bow


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I mentioned in another thread that levi is wanting a vertical bow. I'm lost. He got one off here a couple of years ago and shot it every day for a long while. Then he outgrew it. Now he has a birthday coming and wants one. Seem to be $300+ depending on brand and what all you get on it. He wants to hunt with it.

What do I need to stay away from?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Got an archery shop near you? Take him there and let him handle a few different brands... Maybe shoot a few... See what fits him and feels good in his hand...He'll know when he handles the right bow...The most expensive bow is not always the best bow...


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
That is the plan. But if he picks out a PSE...then you guys tells me it explodes, I'll be pissed. So, what do i need to stay away from? I plan to take him Friday to a bow shop @brock ratcliff knows the owner.

Complete built bows bad? No whisker buscuits? Never buy single pin? Don't buy a release off Wish? Don't be a fool and buy used?


Ragin Cajun.
I bought Hunter a bowtech that went from like 15-60#. Draw went all the way up to 30”. It was a $300 bow rigged out. At that time I want to say it had a biscuit. Bought a drop away rest. As for release we all use the Scott little goose, even me. Hunter has since changed to a thumb release and says he’s shoots better with it. Call me if you’d like to discuss more
I haven't looked in a while so I don't know the latest models and brands that fit this category but I would look for a bow that has a large adjustable draw weight range and draw length. That way it fits him for many years to come and will last until he wants a big boy's bow that he can buy with his own money when he's older. I can't even recall what one we got for Allen but he has adjusted things several times over the last several years to (re)fit him.

Starting out with a whisker biscuit is the simplest rest you can get and it works great. It also won't break the bank. Sight, you will want multiple pins since his draw weight will be lower and will need to be able to adjust to longer distances. Fumbling around with a single pin that is adjustable IMO is too much guesswork for him right now, not to mention having to remember to re-adjust the sight at different distances. Release, the Scott Little Goose TD mentioned is a great release with room to grow.


Junior Member
My 15yr old son uses my old PSE Inertia 50-60# set on 58lbs I believe. A bow that I hunted with for 4 years and he has had it for two with out any issues. I have never had any problems with the QAD drop away rest, we both have them on our bows. I think it's the hdx model.


Staff member
The Diamond Edge is the industry standard for this type of situation, IMO. Mission makes a similar option and being a Mathews brand, you can be confident in performance and reliability. I have some spare parts (rest, stabilizer, sight, release) that I'd contribute to the project.

The most important thing he could do is spent an hour with Brock and Mason. Build his foundation by learning from a couple damn fine archers. It won't matter what he shoots if he learned how to shoot.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
The Diamond Edge is the industry standard for this type of situation, IMO. Mission makes a similar option and being a Mathews brand, you can be confident in performance and reliability. I have some spare parts (rest, stabilizer, sight, release) that I'd contribute to the project.

The most important thing he could do is spent an hour with Brock and Mason. Build his foundation by learning from a couple damn fine archers. It won't matter what he shoots if he learned how to shoot.
They know eachother and the first step happened a couple of years ago with this. Time to make it happen and start seeing them fellas more often. He knows to not ask me questions, ask Brock 🤣.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I need to look in the garage. Pretty sure I still have a Diamond out there. Perfectly designed for growing kids in my opinion. Huge poundage and DL adjustability.

The Diamond Edge is the industry standard for this type of situation, IMO. Mission makes a similar option and being a Mathews brand, you can be confident in performance and reliability. I have some spare parts (rest, stabilizer, sight, release) that I'd contribute to the project.

The most important thing he could do is spent an hour with Brock and Mason. Build his foundation by learning from a couple damn fine archers. It won't matter what he shoots if he learned how to shoot.
100%. Having set up and tuned a couple of these over the years, it is exactly what I would look for for my own kid once he/she is able to use it.