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*Supporting Member*
We have the name thread, now let's hear what's behind your user name. I'll get it started.
Here goes.........

As some of you know, I've done a lot of hog hunting in South Texas with my bow. Well, the third year down there, a buddy of mine from San Antonio shot a badger with his bow. The ranch staff said it was the first badger shot on that ranch in the fifteen years that they had held the hunt. I was blown away, as I didn't even know there were badgers there, let alone that we were aloud to shoot them. The following day, my buddy and I made an unsuccessful stalk on a bunch of javelinas. We turned around and started walking back towards the truck, and we both looked up in time to see a badger run across the sendero ahead of us. We both looked at each other and shook our heads in amazement. We never told a soul, thinking people would think we were full of bull, and just trying to take the limelight away from our buddy.

The following year we hunted the same pasture on the ranch. On the last day of the hunt, I was dropped off at a good sendero for javelina. I also had seen some nice feral hogs in the area. I walked down to a ground blind I had cut in the cactus, and sat down to cool off. I hadn't been there but a few minutes when a lone boar javelina left the safety of the cactus, and mesquite to feed on the corn I had out. Luck would have it that he fed away from my blind, and not towards me. The good thing was he was feeding straight into the wind, giving me a perfect stalking opportunity. I left the blind and went after him. After about a thirty minute stalk, I had closed within range. As if on cue, he turned from straight away to a nice quartering away shot. I managed to get to half draw when movement in the cactus caught my eye. There in a small opening I could see a badger making his way through the thick bush! (keep in mind, I'm an Ohio guy that at that point had only seen one live badger, and one dead one)
It was all I could do to finish drawing, and get my pin on the badger instead of the javelina. I shot, and couldn't believe my eyes when my arrow found it's mark and slammed that guy! He did a quick spin and made it all of fifteen yards before he was done! I had just killed the second badger on that ranch in the sixteen year history of the hunt!

Hence the nickname badger16. Awhile back I dropped the 16 as most people on the net were just calling me badger.



*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
23 is my old football, bseball number and R is for Raymond (my fist name) and Gecko is cause I used to like lizards when I was younger...Who knows how I put it all together..


Ass Regulator
I got mine cause of a peeticular body part....big around as a Stump....for the full story go to how I met my wife an how I axed her Daddy if I could boink his lil gril....:smiley_bril:


Senior Member
That's sweet and a classic picture.

"Ernie" came from a play on "Irwin" in the 5th grade. There are still people that I graduated with and teachers who's classes I was in that don't know my first name is "Steve", though I have never written that as my name in my life...and let it die when I got to College. Kinda weird to hear it now.

I was in Old Navy right after that and saw a t-shirt that said "Capt Ernie's fishing" something or other. Bought it and that became my sn...and I think it's a damn good one.

Cap't Ernie


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
The bowhunter part is obvious. I wore 23 when I played JV baseball and 10 when I moved to varisty. I've used 1023 for all kinds of things over the years as a result...


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
I was icefishing Lake Erie by my lonesome a mile or so out. It was new ice and there were few guys fishing. A group of guys pulled up and were heading out further. I joined them and we made a long trek out. We got to shooting the breeze and when they found out I was from Swanton, they started calling me swantucky. That was about the time I started getting on the forums and just stayed with that.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I am laxin over on that other site cause I played lacrosse growing up on the east coast and through college. Changed it up to huntn2 over here for 2 reasons. 1 it is more relevant and 2 that's what my license plate says.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I was icefishing Lake Erie by my lonesome a mile or so out. It was new ice and there were few guys fishing. A group of guys pulled up and were heading out further. I joined them and we made a long trek out. We got to shooting the breeze and when they found out I was from Swanton, they started calling me swantucky. That was about the time I started getting on the forums and just stayed with that.

You're in my phone as Tucky!

I call Stump, Stump. Not sure I have ever used his real name. Same with Geezer and Milo. Hell, I mailed Ernie's arrows to Milo and used that has his name! LOL! I can't imagine actually using his real name. He's just Milo to me.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Hey Badger, great thread, good idea!

Ok, I use to bow hunt 100% of my free time, hunted Ohio and VA a bunch. My licence plate on my truck was "IBOHNT" . Will after my daughter was born I kind of got out of it for a while and then got back into fishing, My new plate was "DunFshn", based on last name. When I joined another fourm across the street, thru the back alley and in the shadows of the night I was fishing a ton for Steel Heads at the river Soooooooooooooo,
Riverdude is my name, ask me again and I will tell ya the same. :smiley_bril: