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Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
hopefully it helps you out adam.....

Me too :D.

All I know is it sucks since I'm not allowed to go hunting today. That was the first thing I asked the DR. this morning as soon as I got to the O.R. lol. He had a good laugh and said " climbing up a tree is probably not the best thing to do today"


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Me too :D.

All I know is it sucks since I'm not allowed to go hunting today. That was the first thing I asked the DR. this morning as soon as I got to the O.R. lol. He had a good laugh and said " climbing up a tree is probably not the best thing to do today"

Ahh, whats that efin Dr know anyway, probably graduated the last in his class anyway lol. J/K Adam I hope it all works out for you buddy. Nothing worse than back problems, well at least thats what I'm told. Lots of friends with bad ones I know that, one friend of mine works for BFI and his backs been tore up for way to many years. Hopefully you'll be in a stand shortly.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Ahh, whats that efin Dr know anyway, probably graduated the last in his class anyway lol. J/K Adam I hope it all works out for you buddy. Nothing worse than back problems, well at least thats what I'm told. Lots of friends with bad ones I know that, one friend of mine works for BFI and his backs been tore up for way to many years. Hopefully you'll be in a stand shortly.

I can think of one other thing that would be worse :D. but I wouldn't know since I don't get to use mine anymore lol.

I was thinking of trying it tomorrow evening but I'm not sure family time will allow for it. I will however be in a stand Saturday if it kills me. Having a tore up back isn't much fun but ya know...things need done so I just power through it the best I can without putting myself in a wheelchair lol :D.


Senior Member
That stinks man I hope that you can get it figured out. I'm pretty sure that you are medically beyond this, but I know for my minor problems to cracking a tailbone in football, the chiropractor does wonders! I know a lot of them are spooks and a lot of people think that they are witch doctors...or others go once a week, but I have found that 4-6 visits a year make my life a lot better


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ernie- I think you just have to find the right one. I have found two that do wonders. I have been to a couple other chiropractors that were "Snap, krackle, pop" see you in two days. The two I use now are great though. Happy with the first one I found, but the other is closer, easier to get into, and came highly rated. We plow his lot, so I felt I should at least give him a chance. Glad I did.

Adam- We have four months bud. Don't overdo it. If you need meat in the freezer, you know all you have to do is ask. Sometimes you get what you want without even asking. lol


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That stinks man I hope that you can get it figured out. I'm pretty sure that you are medically beyond this, but I know for my minor problems to cracking a tailbone in football, the chiropractor does wonders! I know a lot of them are spooks and a lot of people think that they are witch doctors...or others go once a week, but I have found that 4-6 visits a year make my life a lot better

That's who I started out with Cap't. I went to the Chiropractor 3x a week for 7 months. The did traction table and electro stimulation therapy plus adjustments for each visit. In that 7 months it racked up over 12k in bills luckily I haven't had to pay any of that since it was an accident and not my fault. I also did 6 weeks of physical therapy 3x a week during that same 7 months I went to the chiro. Neither of those helped so my DR. sent me to pain management where I started off with the Epidural Injection that didn't work. While waiting for insurance approval for the Facet Joint Injections I was given a script for Tramadol. I took those until I had my injections done Monday and we will see what happens with this now. I have a follow up with pain management DR. on the 18th to figure things out from here.

So far with the DR. bills, E.R. bill, CT Scan, and about 20 x-rays I'm up to about 25k in bills. Now that it looks as if this is going to be an ongoing process it should increase the amount for pain and suffering I would think. I just hope the attorney is wanting a good payday since they are taking a 3rd of my amount awarded. My son who was also in the truck at the time will have his amount awarded put into an account that he will be entitled to once he turns 18.

All I want to do is get back to work and have another income into the house. I don't know how we have done it this entire time with only the wifes 17k a year job and a household of 5 lol. I have always been one that can't stand to sit still and have always busted my ass working and trying to keep up with people 2x my size doing the same hard manual labor.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Dude, be careful. Your back isn't anything to mess with. Those deer can wait. If you are worried about them, I'll bring my one armed assault down there to help out!

No need to do that buddy lol. We would be a site to see flopping on the ground with me holding my back and you holding your elbow :D. I wouldn't even want to try and explain that one lol.


Senior Member
Yea those damn attorneys...

Hopefully it will be resolved soon and you can get back to work. It's admirable that you want to back to it and work hard- there are plenty of people in this country that are lazy and sit on their butts, living on less than that. Dumb. Thankfully I believe that this country is still a place that you can earn an honest living with a hard work attitude, but sadly that is slipping away too...


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Ernie- I think you just have to find the right one. I have found two that do wonders. I have been to a couple other chiropractors that were "Snap, krackle, pop" see you in two days. The two I use now are great though. Happy with the first one I found, but the other is closer, easier to get into, and came highly rated. We plow his lot, so I felt I should at least give him a chance. Glad I did.

Adam- We have four months bud. Don't overdo it. If you need meat in the freezer, you know all you have to do is ask. Sometimes you get what you want without even asking. lol

I know all I have to do is ask but I don't want to lol. I want the smells of fall the sights from the stands and my sanity breaks to the woods :D. I hate to ask for ANYTHING and don't expect people to try and bend over backwards to help me out. Call it male ego but I would feel I needed to pay those person/s back in whatever way I could. Just like that Smoker and BuckEye Cam hat. I wanted to find out who sent those things because I was always raised to send Thank Yous for gifts and show your appreciation for everything you was lucky enough to be given. I was raised never to ask for help or handouts and if you couldn't pay for something then you didn't need it that bad and if you couldn't fix something then you better figure out real quick how to do it. It was just the way it was and all I know.

I guess that's another reason I love to be here and know the people here because they are a lot like me. We all are the most willing people to jump in and lend a helping hand at the drop of a hat if we can and need to do so.

Thank you all for doing what you all do for one another and like I said before " Keep the circle going " :D.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Thanks FS. I am hoping to be back in the stand on Saturday morning come hell or high water lol :D.

Can't shoot the deer from the computer chair or the couch lol.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
RC, I used to think back pain was a gimmick till it happened to me. Now I'm a dang believer.
Just takes time, be patient. You'll get your chance soon enough.
Do you have any ground blind spots you could use for a while, maybe stay out of the trees? Just a thought,,,


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
RC, I used to think back pain was a gimmick till it happened to me. Now I'm a dang believer.
Just takes time, be patient. You'll get your chance soon enough.
Do you have any ground blind spots you could use for a while, maybe stay out of the trees? Just a thought,,,

I would have to get back to you on that idea Dan. I have always been a stand guy and really never looked on the properties I hunt to see if they have any good blind setup spots before.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I went for the follow up this morning. My hips feel better but the original spot in my lower back I was sent to them for isn't any better. Ya know...I'm really starting to dis-like insurance companies and DR's even more now lol. They won't pay for x procedure until you have done this one and that one first lol. Total BS and a legal money pit conspiracy between insurance companies, drug companies and DR's IMO. This is taking some time out of my deer hunting after all and I don't like that either :(. I found out yesterday my back wasn't ready for a climber yet so after only getting 5' off the ground I climbed back down and went over to a double wide ladder stand lol :D.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I would have to get back to you on that idea Dan. I have always been a stand guy and really never looked on the properties I hunt to see if they have any good blind setup spots before.

There's always spots for blind hunting Adam, you just gotta switch gears on your thinking lol


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
There's always spots for blind hunting Adam, you just gotta switch gears on your thinking lol

I can still climb into my hang on stands just fine but the climber just uses too much back to lift the foot platform up. Since mine is an older balky model that just makes it even worse lol.

I did do some looking around and found a couple places on the one property I hunted this weekend for blinds to fit in very nicely :D. I also seen at wally world they had blinds there for $60 so I might see about getting one when the sales start :D. The other nice thing about a blind is I could take the little guy out with me lol. I told him Saturday night I was going hunting in the morning and he had a fit when I told him he couldn't go because I didn't have anything but tree stands. He proceeded to tell me " It's ok daddy I can climb up a tree with you " :D


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Finally after 8 months my insurance company made a decision.

Back on January 19th they was asked for approval for a tri-level injection and they wouldn't denied or approve it. Insurance company asking my Dr. to forward my records multiple times he finally sent my entire folder 3 - 4 times lol. They finally let me know last Monday that they would approve it. I called the Dr. and they got me scheduled for Monday 10/2/11 to get these done. I should be on tomorrow but it will all depend on the after effects of the anesthesia.

Will keep you all updated.