I had an encounter with a "shooter buck" last night. Long story short, someone was wandering the woods and busted him out earlier than the deer wanted to leave his bed. I was so frustrated you cannot imagine. The deer came up on me so fast I didn't even have time to draw. Stopped about 40yd in front of me with saplings in between us. Hung on the edge of the creek looking back. I grunted. He hopped the creek. Got to the other side into cover and looked back. I grunted again. He looped back to circle in the direction he came from although on the opposite side of the creek 60-70 yds away. Obviously no shot here either. I grunted again. He is checking my area out, but mainly focused on the direction he came. He bolts out of there again not to be seen the rest of the evening. Couple minutes later, here comes Joe Public wandering through the woods. Let's just say, the Roscoby Riser cam was rolling and there was an interrogation. I happened to graduate with the guy's middle child. He is a legit guy, not just some trespassing poacher. He apparently did get permission to hunt the woods, but haven't verified with land owners yet. He knew I was in there as the land owner told him so. Proceeded to come in there in his blue jeans, nice jacket, and dress shoes to scout at about 6pm anyway. Are people really this retarded? I truly don't believe he was intentionally trying to ruin my hunt, but for pete's sake, that was just ridiculous. He claims he was looking for a place to setup a buddy stand for him and the grandkids. Supposedly some big deer have been witnessed crossing the road to the east. I am wondering why he didn't ask them permission. I am wondering if he truly wants to take the grandkids hunting or is just chasing where he thinks the big boys are running? Doesn't really matter. If his scent control/scouting/hunting practices are anything alike, he is just going to blow the big boys out of the area anyway. I am done ranting. Pissed off, signing out.