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10 yd encounter foiled


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had an encounter with a "shooter buck" last night. Long story short, someone was wandering the woods and busted him out earlier than the deer wanted to leave his bed. I was so frustrated you cannot imagine. The deer came up on me so fast I didn't even have time to draw. Stopped about 40yd in front of me with saplings in between us. Hung on the edge of the creek looking back. I grunted. He hopped the creek. Got to the other side into cover and looked back. I grunted again. He looped back to circle in the direction he came from although on the opposite side of the creek 60-70 yds away. Obviously no shot here either. I grunted again. He is checking my area out, but mainly focused on the direction he came. He bolts out of there again not to be seen the rest of the evening. Couple minutes later, here comes Joe Public wandering through the woods. Let's just say, the Roscoby Riser cam was rolling and there was an interrogation. I happened to graduate with the guy's middle child. He is a legit guy, not just some trespassing poacher. He apparently did get permission to hunt the woods, but haven't verified with land owners yet. He knew I was in there as the land owner told him so. Proceeded to come in there in his blue jeans, nice jacket, and dress shoes to scout at about 6pm anyway. Are people really this retarded? I truly don't believe he was intentionally trying to ruin my hunt, but for pete's sake, that was just ridiculous. He claims he was looking for a place to setup a buddy stand for him and the grandkids. Supposedly some big deer have been witnessed crossing the road to the east. I am wondering why he didn't ask them permission. I am wondering if he truly wants to take the grandkids hunting or is just chasing where he thinks the big boys are running? Doesn't really matter. If his scent control/scouting/hunting practices are anything alike, he is just going to blow the big boys out of the area anyway. I am done ranting. Pissed off, signing out.


Senior Member
Or blow the big boys over to you, that can happen too!

Keep your head up you will connect with one.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Sounds like the jackasses I'm dealing with on the property I hunt. I feel for ya buddy, they really decrease a guys chances of harvesting a nice buck, but you just have to stay after it. Maybe you will get lucky and the guy won't hunt much.


Tatonka guide.
he did it to piss you off. you don't go walking in where you want to hunt like a 2 dollar whore....i'd go where he said the buck is crossing and try to get permission. and people wonder why leasing it taking off like a brush fire...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was getting the same crap on the property I hunt for the last two years... luckily the idiot who was messing me up graduated high school and went to college. He would come out into the woods (as a junior and senior) swinging sticks at trees acting like he was a Jedi Knight. How do I know he was acting like this? Because he would yell shit out like, "Jedi's move in!" and "Stormtroopers ahead!". WTF?!?!?
I ended up nicknaming him Yoda and had to hope for cold weather because he never came out then.

Things will calm down for ya. That type of person probably hunts an area once or twice, sees nothing, then leaves. As long as he's not chasing Darth Vader through the woods you're in good shape.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
That sucks hicks! Keep after it.

Always amazes me the stories of these jackasses stomping through the woods "scouting" during prime hunting hours. I have had people come through the woods (thought I was going to witness two young adults get after it one time) but at least they weren't out to hunt or scout.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
That freakin' sucks, Phil! What a dipshit. At least he could have let you finished your hunt and scoped it out later wearing appropriate descented hunting attire. Shit like that pisses me off.......what a retard!


Senior Member
Dont even get me started bout idiots and their retarded thoughts. I am going to go to jail yet over some idiot walknig in while I am trying to hunt. Especailly when I have been there since 3 and he comes rolling in at 5 or 530


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Sorry to hear that Phil, I would have had a hard time not beating his ass over that one though.

Last year in Indiana I was bowhunting along a creek and about prime time when you would expect a buck to come out, here comes 2 guys in a pickup. They drive about 200 yards from me and get out with their hammer and nails and saw to spruce up their ladder stand before gun season. The worst part was the fact they drove right past my pickup truck (which was parked at the road) to get where they were going. They knew damn well I was there bowhunting but didn't have the decency or common sense to come back another time. Some people are real inconsiderate bastards.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
i was getting the same crap on the property i hunt for the last two years... Luckily the idiot who was messing me up graduated high school and went to college. He would come out into the woods (as a junior and senior) swinging sticks at trees acting like he was a jedi knight. How do i know he was acting like this? Because he would yell shit out like, "jedi's move in!" and "stormtroopers ahead!". Wtf?!?!?
I ended up nicknaming him yoda and had to hope for cold weather because he never came out then.

Things will calm down for ya. That type of person probably hunts an area once or twice, sees nothing, then leaves. As long as he's not chasing darth vader through the woods you're in good shape.



*Supporting Member*
I feel for ya Hicks, dealt with my share of the same over the years. Last week we had the landowners sons come through at 5:30. Bad thing is they believed they might do us some good by jumping deer. I didn't bother explaining this wasn't a four man deer drive, just a two man bow hunt. Told them thanks for stopping by and waived them on their way.


Junior Member
This must be the theme for the 2010 bow season. I have been so frustrated this year dealing with other hunters. I really do not mind other people hunting, I just wish they would use a little common since. I have watched this one guy for the last week come in on the exact corner of the woods the wind is coming from. I feel like leaving him a note on his vehicle with the weather channel website and a wind checker.


*Supporting Member*
I was getting the same crap on the property I hunt for the last two years... luckily the idiot who was messing me up graduated high school and went to college. He would come out into the woods (as a junior and senior) swinging sticks at trees acting like he was a Jedi Knight. How do I know he was acting like this? Because he would yell shit out like, "Jedi's move in!" and "Stormtroopers ahead!". WTF?!?!?
I ended up nicknaming him Yoda and had to hope for cold weather because he never came out then.

Things will calm down for ya. That type of person probably hunts an area once or twice, sees nothing, then leaves. As long as he's not chasing Darth Vader through the woods you're in good shape.

Was this him?



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for listening guys. Obviously nothing I can do about it except buy the farm when they are ready to sell. This is my longterm goal, but nothing is guaranteed. I really thought I had found a property (actually two this year) where I wasn't going to have as many issues. I just don't think such a thing exists unless you hunt vast tracts of land containing thousands of acres out west. These wouldn't be spots you could do an evening hunt or morning hunt though. They would be the pack in, setup camp, hunt a few day, and hike out type spots. In Ohio, I think you are going to have to deal with this. Apparently the land owner told him I was "fox or coyote hunting". I am beginning to wonder if the conversation I had with his wife was the same conversation I had with her? I have a signed permission slip either way I guess. Even so, if I was hunting and the guy knew I was in there, he should not have waltzed in there like he just left Bob Evans in his casual clothes to scout. Then he is talking about deer in the area. You really think walking through the bedroom of big deer at dinner time in October is going to help your chances buddy? C'mon. I have known the guy for years, and do not think he was up to no good. He probably truly was scouting for a spot to hang a stand to take the grandkids. I do believe this knowing the guy all my life. I just don't think he is a hardcore hunter that takes it as serious as most of us do. It is frustrating, but what do you do. I am going to go over to his house with a printed picture of the farm from googleearth and let him know where I hunt and how I enter those locations. He did ask where I hunted on the property and told me he would stay out of my way from now on. Just sucks he busted that buck out last night. He was a nice deer. I inserted two of the pictures of the deer he busted out of there. I have hunted the property twice this year. I have seen this buck twice. There is one other I would rather take, and another big 8pt I would like a better look at. It would be hard to pass on this one though. Darn nice deer. Probably wouldn't score too high, but I think he would be P&Y.


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he did it to piss you off. you don't go walking in where you want to hunt like a 2 dollar whore....i'd go where he said the buck is crossing and try to get permission. and people wonder why leasing it taking off like a brush fire...

you think this guy done it on purpose? i could understand it if this guy was a bow hunter . but being someone who gun hunts or does very little hunting at all . im thinking he was just doing what he has done befor gun season all his life . dont be so hatefull milo. lol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I wasn't going to call Milo out on the deal. Milo is a great asset to the site from what I see, but I don't know him well. I am with Hoot on this one. I think this guy is just a prime example of a guy that hunts NW Ohio a handful of times each year. Probably a gun hunter mainly (not knocking them), and just isn't as hard core as many of us on this site. Perfect example of a guy that takes a doe every couple years, and lucks into a buck once or twice in his life. Just a prime example of a "weekend warrior". Don't really think he meant any harm. Just didn't use his head. He was very apologetic, but he was also quick to ask where my stands were so he didn't bugger me up again. It really sucked, but it is what it is. Frustrating.