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uglykats huntign log

my hunt got screwed for me , my stand is about 100 yards from my inlaws house , and of course an hour after im in stand who come strolling under my stand , my father in law with his fuggin dog, dog is barking her head off and he is standing there talking to me , if that didnt alert every deer in the county to stay away i dont know what will , so i too ka walk around the corn field , drew up on a doe but she wouldnt stop for me to take a shot
well i got my stand moved back to my origanal spot at the back of the property , far away from the house so the dog dont screw my hunt up any more. They have been hitting the feeder back by my stand hard the past week so i figured with the rut coming on maybe one of the deer hitting the feeder might be a buck , so i go back about 3 pm get set up and sit there , and sit there ,and sit there ,ooooooo chipmunk , chipmunk has arrow fly by his head then i go back to sitting , and sitting and sitting , oooooooooooo chipmunk is back muahahahahaha lil bugger didnt get enough the first time so i fling another arrow att him ,i always keep a few target arrows with me incase i get really bored , and my arrow hits 2 inchs from my other arrow. so i get down grab my arrows get back up in the stand ready for more sitting .

430 rolls around and my butt is asleep so i climb down and go for a little walk to get the feeling back in my buttocks and to take a peek down the clear cut to see if anything is down there , i get to the crest of the hill , o crap here comes turkeys heading right at me , i gots a turkey tag and if i can make it back to my stand undetected i might get a shot at one , i make it back to the stand climb up sit down get situated and about 5 minutes later the first bird popped up over the hill then the second , then the tenth , holy crap there is alot of birds , 14 to be exact the zig zag through the clear cut and stop about 50 yards out , im not comfortable with that long of a shot so i sit back and watch them work off through the wooods to my right , then about 30 minutes later the come back across going the other way , at about 540 more turkeys come up the clear cut heading toward the corn field behind me this time there is ten in the group and a few nice big gobblers so i get situated in my stand anticipating they will come to my right , i pick out a nice big bird with maybe a 9 or 10 inch beard and wait for him to come into the field past the fence the fence is 35 yards from my stand which is what my bottom pin is set at . so he gets to the fence and i happen to look back into the clear cut and here comes a deer , my mind switchs from thanksgiving turkey to deer jerky .

after what seemed like an eternity for her to get to the fence she jumps the fence and runs 15 yards to my right crap im not adjusted enough for that shot , she keeps looking back at the turkeys which gives me little windows to adjust for the shot , get to full draw set my pin just behind the shoulder and she turns slightly towards me which i still have a good shot at the vitals so i aim alil forward closer to the shoulder and let her fly ............................ SHWACK ................ it felt like it took 100 years from the time i released the arrow till the time i heard it hit her , i see her jump take off run about 20 yards , take a look back in my direction , and she fell stone dead right there . now heres where i need to learn patience , as soon as she takes off running back into the weeds i hear another deer take off , crap , if i would have waited i would have had ashot at a bigger doe that was following her up the same trail , which was also the trail i took to get back to my stand . so from now on if its not a mature 1 1/2 year old or older im not gonna release an arrow on em , i find my arrow and its coated in blood , im really liking the site of a blood coverd arrow . i shake more after shooting a deer with a bow then i do asfter i harvest one with a gun , and i love that feeling , even thoguh my first two deer werent very big , they will stick in my brain to be relived over and over , god i love bowhunting



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Way to get it done UK..... Now get out there and get that BUCK...... With antlers this time..... :smiley_clap: Oh and would it hurt too smile a little when you're posing in a deer harvest picture????? Or is that your Zach interpetation rotflmao


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Way to be UK! Racking up some serious points with that new bow!

What is that now, two bow kills and one Rambo knife kill? Jesse may have to give his "DERSLYR" License Plates up!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congrats Mark! You need about three more that size and you will have your freezer full. Teasing bud, just teasing! At least you didn't miss like I did on Friday morning.
thanks guys , the more i mature into bow hunting , the more i should be able to hold off for the bigger ones , ive killed a good number of deer with gun , but it doesnt get me near as excited as when i harvest them with my bow
Well tonight was pretty exciting sat from noon till after dark.didn't see nothing till almost dark then had a nice 8 point come in but didn't offer me a shot even though he was well with in bow range. Owell there is always tomorrow