Here is a very informative document that I think is well-worth a look.
It's not Ohio, and it's not current, but the topics discussed and management strategies are the same. I think it does a good job outlining the various challenges associated with estimating deer populations and setting harvest goals. The question of whether we have too many or too little deer isn't important to just the deer and us hunters... It affects the deer, it affects us, it affects the non-hunting public, it affects insurance companies, it affects the economy, it affects other animal species, it affects the plant species in an area, and so on and so forth. Have you ever been in a situation where you had to make a decision that would affect multiple groups of people in many different ways? I'd bet you my life savings you weren't able to make EVERYONE happy. It's just the way it goes.
But yet here in this situation, so many are willing to throw an organization under the bus... not only that... you're throwing ONE GUY under the bus... a guy not much different than you or I...
based on SPECULATION that we as hunters are getting "screwed." I wonder what some of you would think if you were on the inside looking out.