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What "weird" stuff have you seen?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
One time i was turkey hunting and just shot a tom and after he got done flopping, we put him in the back part of my vest..well just as we were putting him in my vest the darn thing let out a really soft awkwardly sounding gobble!? I looked over at Larry like "did that really just happen?"


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Back when turkeys were new to the area and we couldn't hunt them yet I saw a flock of what must have been over a 100 birds walking single file across a field between 2 blocks of woods. It was in the January muzzleloader season and there was snow on the ground. From the first bird to the last must have been 400-500 feet. It was quite a sight. Not sure if it's weird but I haven't seen it again in 20+ years since it happened.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Saw a falcon smoke a squirrel.

Had a barred owl land on my shooting rest in a tree.

Walked in on couple of fudge packers on a draw hunt at Alum that were doing the do below my stand.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Saw a guy jogging through the woods in nothing but a banana hammock thong at Cesars creek.

Found a camo shirt, jacket, gloves, mittens, socks, and pants all in a pile in the middle of a field. But no naked guy.

Reeled in a shoe once at the reservoir, then later a sock, never snagged a toe but i thought for sure that was next.

Sitting in a stand I watched a blue jay sitting in a tree cawing his head off, then fell over graveyard dead. Twice I have seen a bird just fall over dead in my life..


central Ohio
Benntown, really? Thats gross I woulda had to do something to make them go away.

Had a button buck touch my crossbow while sitting in ghillie suit on the ground - that was cool. Saw an Owl nail something on the ground this year one night. Had a huntin buddy walk right up to ten feet in front of me in same seat in same suit and stop , look both ways, dig in his pockets and light a smoke before I moved and scared the crap outa HIM, lol! Had a dog walk in and stop two feet from me whilst sitting on a stump by a road. He stopped (downwind) sniffed, growled and never did pick me out, lol


Participation Trophy Winner
Yep really. That park was known for gays. They went there even after it was closed...for season.

Ahh good old pickle point on lewis center..... i have had a couple interesting ems calls there:smiley_crocodile:


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Watched a doe slide down a mudy steep hill on her ass...

Watched turkeys fly out of the roost and hit the ground sliding another 20' on their bellies..... Icey out...

Had a hawk dive bomb a pheasant flying across the road feathers flew everywhere but it just kept haulling ass....

Had a coon up a tree that I climbed up with my treestand.... Yeah he stayed put....

This year I had 7 squirrels parade in front of me at 5' while sitting next too a creek on my seat while bowhunting.... thay all took the same path......

Had a little finch land on my arrow when I was on stand when I used too shoot componds..... Looked at me like WTF are you.....


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
found an old golf club leaning against a tree out in the middle of the woods once, it had been there quite awhile it was all rusted and sunk in the ground, found 2 five dollar bills laying in the woods while shed hunting, and was in a treestand at Salt Fork state park and had a lady come walking through the woods walking her dog, she got about 20 yards from me, stopped, looked around, took her top and bra off, wiped everything down with some wet wipes she took out of her little fanny pack, aired them out for a minute, put everything back on and went about her merry way without ever being the wiser!!


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Had 2 yearlings bed down at the base of my tree while Momma beded down about 20 yards away, did not have the heart to shoot her...........Damn!

Save a guy from possibly drowning down at the river, he took one to many steps and went into a deep hole with chest waders on, he was close to going under when I got to him. Saw him this fall in a Strip club and he told the girls how I saved his life, lol.


Senior Member
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Southeast Ohio
Watched a couple ride their horses down the path and stop 200y from me. The guy got off the horse and came down in the holler I was in, walking up to a deadfall. He got up in the deadfall and then started digging up three small pots with "plants" in them not 70 yards from my tree. I had hunted this stand a few times and never noticed anything funny. After he finished digging, he took his plants and off he went. Had no clue I was around.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Couple of years ago I was deer hunting and watching these two squirrels fighting and chasing each other and raising a racket for a while.....#2 is chasing #1, who jumps from one tree to another about 35 feet in the air and lands on a branch, which bends and springs up. #2 was following but mistimed his jump and the branch had sprung up and he missed it and fell straight to the ground and landed in the leaves. Funny sound! Needless to say their foolishness stopped.

Big H

Senior Member
I was in a stand bowhunting and kept hearing a weird sound in the hollow tree next to my stand tree (maybe 3 feet away), there was a hole at my eye level and the clicking sound kept going on until a little owl stuck his head out of the hole and was making the noise at me with his beak. Apparently he wasn't happy that I was there?

Same tree, I had a hawk almost knock my hat off with his wing as he was going after a chipmunk on the ground. He came from behind me and scared the crap out of me.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Yearling deer sniff my rifle in PA sitting at the base of a tree 1/2 brushed in.
Red-tail hawk take a fox squirrel off a limb about 12 feet away while I was in a tree stand. It happened so fast it took a second to realize what just happened.
Black caped chickadee land on my bow/arrow while in my lap in a tree stand.
Ducks landing on clear ice and spinning out/sliding into water.(very funny)
Coon climbing down the side of the tree I was sitting in a fst light. Turned around and scared us both.
Same tree-squirrel running down the tree used my shoulder as a limb. again scared the shit out of me.
A dead coon stuck head first in a hole in a tree. His back half and tail sticking out about 25 ft. up. ( will have to find the picture of that I took)

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Some great stories here!

My wife and I saw an enormous black cat alongside the road we now live off of. This was a year before buying our home. After moving down here, I asked my neighbor if he had ever lost any livestock to, or seen a big cat around here. He said he had not, and I related what my wife and I had seen a year before. He looked at me, and said, " I don't doubt what you saw. In the early 70's I shot the beast that doesn't exist!" I said laughingly "What, Bigfoot?"......"Yes. Shot him with both barrels and the SOB just shook it off!" Apparently, he had a pile of lumber on his back porch and caught Bigfoot shuffling through it to find a few good pieces. This was the very first conversation I ever had with the man. We have never gotten really close....
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