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just about 2 weeks


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I have had corn out since the day before The ATA show(forgot dates)..About 200 pics in that time and only 4 of them during shooting light all A.M pics...Not a single PM daylight pic!Thought this corn shit was supposed to be fish in a barrel?I tried it last year an had more daytime pics..In two years of trying bait I have yet to see a deer at the bait with my eye own...What am i doing wrong?

You have to add some special secret recipe juice to the area.. Alex and I set this cam and dumped corn that day.. And that night. WALA. lol



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Will the video of you shooting pregnant does in late January be included in your "call to arms" over dwindling deer numbers?

Yep... Why? Do you think he want's the fetus so he can kick it?

The place where they are located receives very light hunting pressure despite tonks deer decimation policy. So they are abundant and sustainable in this area despite his efforts at eradicating them :) And it will be the only doe tag I have filled this season.
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*Supporting member*
Yep... Why? Do you think he want's the fetus so he can kick it?

The place where they are located receives very light hunting pressure despite tonks deer decimation policy. So they are abundant and sustainable in this area despite his efforts at eradicating them :) And it will be the only doe tag I have filled this season.

For a guy with no kids, you have an excellent grasp of the "do as I say, not as I do" concept.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
For a guy with no kids, you have an excellent grasp of the "do as I say, not as I do" concept.

Wrong... lol... Nice try though.. I would agree with you if it was an area lacking does with an abundance of hunters and an obvious decline had happened:) However, this property is loaded with does and nobody that I have seen hunts for miles, as I said the population is healthy and very sustainable with 1 less. :) As you referenced earlier find somewhere that's "not the fucking desert" ;)
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it depends on where you put it also. they need to feel safe to come in the daylight. Hunt and scout the trails coming to the corn and try to get into their "daylight zone". This is a Cornskinner doesn't have a clue about.
Im just gonna try joes technique below..And polish the one eyes gopher when I dump my corn..
You have to add some special secret recipe juice to the area.

Supposed to be baiting out there..Not masturbating:smiley_crocodile:

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm gonna try to get Mason out a time or two more. I don't have any bait out and haven't found any concentration of deer, but I do know where a bunch of turkeys are and a few deer. We'll go watch turkeys and hope to see a deer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I drove around last night. Saw groups of 4-8 in three different places. None are where I have permission though. Too late? Never!!!! I might eat a tag, but I am going to go down swinging!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Lol... I was thinking to myself, "WTF? Just 'cause he is part-owner of the website he thinks he can have the last word and just lock shit up?!?" lmao

America.. FUGG YEAH! lol Nah.. I double clicked the wrong thing. lol


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Im just gonna try joes technique below..And polish the one eyes gopher when I dump my corn..

Supposed to be baiting out there..Not masturbating:smiley_crocodile:

It's just Nilla Extract... :) Draws them in and they find the corn way faster. :)

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
I'm going take both of my kids up to the blind in the morning. We will have no bow but my son will be taking his new .22 looking for a few of them pesky squirrels. I went up there this afternoon to put out some more peanuts and there was a doe in the plot. I doubt if I try to fill my last tag. I'm hoping that the few deer around can avoid the slobs that come down the next couple of weekends. Good luck to all still looking to fill a tag!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Went to check a cam this evening in a little woodlot. Jd called me and said, another doe bites the dust... Apparently I ran some deer out that crossed the field and one got smacked by a car.. Oops... Did I do that?
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