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February 10 rabbit hunt


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well Sam and I are heading out with the Beagles in the morning.... weathers going from iffy too not so good in the afternoon typical for an outing for Sam and I lol... will post the results tomorrow evening lol.... hopefully we may get some photographs lol....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Well that forecast sounds about right! :smiley_crocodile:

Have you even fired that sweet little 410 this year? just say en.

Do me a favor while your out there. At any some random point stop, look around and take a deep breath and think of me. I hope we can hunt together more next season.
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*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
the bad ass bunny hunter.



*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
We had a very good day out. Dogs hit a hot trail not 5 minutes after we walked in to the woods. They ran the bunny out and around and then right back to J. Had a couple more runs and then we moved to another property. I think there the dogs were on trails continuously for almost 3 hours and we got 3 more rabbits. I don't have much time right now so I'll let J tell the story in more detail.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well guys it was a good day I have a couple of pictures too post as well and will do so in the morning with a story too go with them.... kinda busy right now and I'm on my phone and posting pictures is a real chore with this thing.... great day in he woods with Sam probably best running day for the dogs this season.... lots of runs and them pups were plum tuckered out at the end....


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Here are the pictures of Sam and his shooting abilities.... He's a crack shot and wouldn't shoot against him for cash lol.... He made a couple of great shots and I won't even mention his one miss because I missed three times :smiley_clap: Me 2 for 5 and Sam 2 for 3 so he won out today :smiley_clap: The last one I think he hit as well but said I got it lol.... I think he felt sorry for me rotflmao Anyways, we went to the first farm and had a couple of runs one short and one long the short one I think holed up but not 100% sure but it looked like it did.... The first one was pretty long and it made its way around twice if I remember right and it finally made it's way in front of me and I got it on the first shot.... That would be the only shot that we had there.... I think we had a total of 3 runs there.... Penney the older dog has had a bad habit lately of having a cold nose meaning she's took too opening up on a fairly cold track trying too make something out of it... Not a big fan of that as it wastes a lot of time versus a warmer or hot track.... But if the action is slow she's been doing this and I don't know why all of a sudden this is happening but if that's all I have too complain about than that's cool with me.... We arrived at the first place around 9 and left around 11:30 and went to Sams sisters farm land and we drove back into it which was a ways off of the road through a right of way and parked the truck got the dogs out and with in 5 minutes they were off on the first of what came too a lot of rabbits.... The first one was a long run but it made it's way too in front of Sam and he made a good 30 to 35 yard shot on it and it rolled and that was it for his first.... the dogs made there way too the end of the trail and it was back too looking for another.... Within minutes they were off again, another long run and after what seemed like 40 minutes and a couple of loops around Sam made another good shot that was every bit of 40+ yards on it..... Good shot and it dropped in it's tracks, the dogs made their way too the end of the trail and started looking again.... with in minutes they were off again.... This would prove too be a very long run, it went almost out of ear shot and then came back, we had walked down the lane we had come in on and worked our way towards where the dogs were, which we probably should of stayed put in hindsight lol.... well the rabbit got by us and back too where we had started lol.... we had walked too almost the truck and out it popped and we both shot about the same time and I do believe Sam hit it but he said my round made it there first so I claimed it and that was about it for the day.... It was roughly 3:00 by then and we had things too do and we headed too Sams house.....

Had a great day with a good friend with good conversations the whole way.... Jim, you did come up in our conversations through out the day and most of it was too bad you weren't here too witness a great day out compared too the last bone chilling bust of a day as far as bunny getting lol.... These days are far and few between but what you look forward too a couple of times a season..... Sam as usual it was good too be in the field with you and thanks for taking me too your turkey woods too slay bunnies.... Had a blast and hope too do it more in the future....

We both gave our best attempt of the badass bunny hunter looks lol... just like the deer hunters you see who can't break a smile rotflmao
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Just one of those ocasional Great days there boys. Real nice write up and pictures.
Thanks for thinking of me !


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Just one of those ocasional Great days there boys. Real nice write up and pictures.
Thanks for thinking of me !

Sorry you couldn't make it Jim, you would have enjoyed it. Especially the runs at my sisters place. We pretty much stayed on the road (not public, it's an old strip mine road) while the dogs worked the thicket. There is a narrow clearing for a gas well about 50 yards deep that I lost track how often the rabbits and dogs crossed it. After awhile of running in that thicket the bunnies would try to cross the road to the next woods and that was our chance. If we had split up we might of killed more rabbits or killed them faster but we were having too much fun talking.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Sorry you couldn't make it Jim, you would have enjoyed it. Especially the runs at my sisters place. We pretty much stayed on the road (not public, it's an old strip mine road) while the dogs worked the thicket. There is a narrow clearing for a gas well about 50 yards deep that I lost track how often the rabbits and dogs crossed it. After awhile of running in that thicket the bunnies would try to cross the road to the next woods and that was our chance. If we had split up we might of killed more rabbits or killed them faster but we were having too much fun talking.

Thats what sets wabbit hunting apart from other types like deer hunting. Being able to talk. I'll take a sunny 20 degree day with occasional winds like we hunted rabbits in with those 2 dogs of J's over a 85 degree summer day nine out of ten times.
( Where else can a man stand outdoors, with a Loaded shotgun, tell grand stories to another man, and every so often stop talking long enough to raise that gun up and shoot something... and then resume the story! :smiley_clap:)


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Thats what sets wabbit hunting apart from other types like deer hunting. Being able to talk. I'll take a sunny 20 degree day with occasional winds like we hunted rabbits in with those 2 dogs of J's over a 85 degree summer day nine out of ten times.
( Where else can a man stand outdoors, with a Loaded shotgun, tell grand stories to another man, and every so often stop talking long enough to raise that gun up and shoot something... and then resume the story! :smiley_clap:)

Jim, that's a pretty good summation of the day rotflmao..... You gotta make it down for a day like that it was basically talk wait for wait for it bang so yeah when do you think Jesse will get his hat back from Joe???? rotflmao :pickle: rotflmao Sorry Joe I couldn't resist rotflmao