I just don't think you could have expected any more than you got yesterday.
The DNR believes the deer population goals have not been met yet in many areas. Evidenced by the plan to move 7 counties from A to B and only one county from B to A. They will move forward with their plans to manage the deer population in Ohio in what they believe is the best interest of all involved and there isn't any real opposing position to alter that plan.
There is no outcry about the deer populations by hunters. What is going on here and a couple of other websites hardly constitutes a whimper, it's not even a bark and certainly no bite to it. As difficult as that is to accept, it is just a reality.
What some have described as defering to a script answer when asked about deer populations could well have been just an answer of what they believe to be true. I heard the same general answers from the fisheries guys when they were questioned about size limits for saugeyes and walleye populations in Erie, etc, etc. Just because the same answer is given does not necessarily imply scripting.
If there was a meeting ahead of time on how to address disgruntled deer hunters and I was the point guy designated to answer those questions. I am pretty certain that I would stick with very defined responses and wouldn't deviate much. Especially if I had the opportunity beforehand to read some of the comments on a few of the websites where some of the members think I'm a MF,er, cocksucker, idiot, brainless, son of a bitch, money grubbing sell out whore to the insurance companies. Yeah baby, those are the guys I want to talk to and work with on thier concerns!
If the roles had been reversed how would you have responded to a tiny finge minority that openly speaks that way about you and your abilities?