Things happen fast in life. Faster than they have ever seemed before. My wife and I found out last summer that we were going to have another baby. Yeah for us. When she went to the doctor for her first ultrasound, we were overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions, as we found out it looks like twins! As each ultrasound came and passed, it was still twins. We decided to wait until the birth to find out if we were having boys or girls or one of each. Everyone loves a surprise and it great to hear the surprise in everyone's voice at the hospital after the birth.
As the new year rang, my wife was feeling that she couldn't take this pregnancy any longer and was wishing everyday that the babies would get here sooner than later. A few more ultrasounds showed that baby "A" was breach and just not cooperating for a normal delivery. We were told C-section would be required for the health of my wife and the babies.
March arrived and we finally got to select a date for the C-section. It was bittersweet for me because I was glad we actually had a scheduled date for the birthdays, but we were hoping the babies would decide their own birthday.
So 2 weeks ago, my wife had a really bad headache. Couldn't sleep, couldn't stand, couldn't get comfortable or make it go away no matter what she tried. Up all night, we decided to call her doctor and make a visit. When we got there we discovered her blood pressure was up so they sent us to the hopsital where they could monitor her better. She stayed the night for observations, I went home to take care of the other kids and the dogs. The phone rang at 6am on wednesday morning, it was my wife, telling me to come up to the hospital for the delivery.
At 9:13am Charlotte (we didn't name her until the day we went home) was pulled out of the womb....9:14am Claire was pulled from the womb.
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One happy dad...Charlotte weighed only 4#10oz and Claire only 4#8oz...the tiniest beings I have ever cared for.
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This was taken on the way to NICU...the girls only had to stay there for 6 hours total..everyone was impressed with their success.
This is our full house...Jacks over Queens!
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Born on Wednesday, everyone was home on Saturday afternoon...Mom is doing great and babies are gaining weight. They have been so good and we are so lucky to have such great support and help around us...I hardly know the girls are there until it is changing and feeding time.