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Has anyone drank mead?


Junior Member
Summit County
Mead is basically wine made with honey instead of grapes. I have all the stuff I need to make it but wondered if any of you guys have made wine, beer or mead.


Senior Member
I have not made mead. You can make wine from just about anything. I've seen coffee and tea wines in my recipe book.

I'd image to make mead you would need, distilled water, honey, sugar, campden tablets, and yeast.

Sterilization is the key to a good wine and/or beer.


Junior Member
Summit County
Buck, you are right on with your recipe. What do you brew?

I bought into some wine this year with my cousin and his father in law. They make some good stuff. A couple of glasses will knock your dick in the dirt. That is coming from a whiskey drinker!
My cousin got me hopped up on making a batch or 2. Probably cook one up one night this week. We have a local homebrew store not to far from me in Akron, it is called The Grape and Grainery.

I have to buy more 1 gallon jugs, I have a batch of apple pie to make for halloween as well.

Been, havent seen Robin Hood yet. Is it worth renting?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I thought it was worth renting. It was different than I was expecting. Russel Crowe is still a dick! lol



Senior Member
Oh I make lots of wine. I've been at it for 6-7 years now. I did take a first place ribbon in reds on my first bottle entered in a contest. Best of 43 reds entered. I've done beer once but wish to try again soon. I buy most of my stuff from Debonne Winery in Madison, Oh.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Buck, you are right on with your recipe. What do you brew?

I bought into some wine this year with my cousin and his father in law. They make some good stuff. A couple of glasses will knock your dick in the dirt. That is coming from a whiskey drinker!
My cousin got me hopped up on making a batch or 2. Probably cook one up one night this week. We have a local homebrew store not to far from me in Akron, it is called The Grape and Grainery.

I have to buy more 1 gallon jugs, I have a batch of apple pie to make for halloween as well.

Been, havent seen Robin Hood yet. Is it worth renting?

No joke. My buddy made some blackberry wine last year and bottled it. I drank about a gallon at deer camp last year. He said it was about 16% then... But he forgot to kill it before bottling. Anyway We cracked a gallon jug of it this weekend... HOLY FUCK ME.. I only had one glass and i was toast.. By glass i mean a red party cup full... MAN... I can hold my own drinking. 30 beers in a night almost a bottle of turk. you name it I'm fine... That shit must have kept fermenting into blackberry brandy. It'll knock your dick in your watch pocket.


Senior Member
It still was 16% despite the possibility of a secondary fermentation if he did not kill off the yeast. I guess you're just a light weight.

Some Ice wines can get into the 20%+ range. Now that is some "night-night" juice. :smiley_adfundum:


Dignitary Member
Staff member
It still was 16% despite the possibility of a secondary fermentation if he did not kill off the yeast. I guess you're just a light weight.

Some Ice wines can get into the 20%+ range. Now that is some "night-night" juice. :smiley_adfundum:

Something happened. When we cracked that jug last weekend (actually a 1 gallon Hawaiian punch jug) you could taste the alcohol quite strongly. LOL.. Trust me i'm no light weight. Some here can attest to it that have seen me drink.

Here is what I'm thinking happened. He didn't use a wine yeast, if he did it would have been 8-12% at the time of bottling as it would have fermented out. He didn't kill it with Campden tablets to stop fermentation. And he bottled it in a container that was not completely air tight. (Hawaiian punch jug). By all rights that should have went to vinegar. He said he used 2x the amount of blackberries the recipe called for. So I'm sure the yeast had plenty of sugars to keep it going. I doubt that Hawaiian punch jug would have blown.. I bet it just acted as an airlock letting out the pressure. AH HA... Here is something else to consider. Most wine making Hydrometers bottom out at 16%.. That fugger... I bet that's it... I bet it was higher than 16 when he bottled. I bet his Hydrometer bottomed out and he just called it 16...

I'm a pretty good taster of proof. I am willing to bet that stuff was sitting at 45 proof if not 50


Senior Member
I bet his Hydrometer bottomed out and he just called it 16...

I'm a pretty good taster of proof. I am willing to bet that stuff was sitting at 45 proof if not 50

Could be, around the 15% mark you get that coolness of breath feel, kinda like that Peppermint Patty kinda feeling.
The more sugar he added, the higher the octane level.