Most cancers can be beat, if you're willing to fight through it.
My wife is a 2x breast cancer survivor of 8 years and cancer free for 5 years.
I am a skin cancer survivor of 12 yeas and cancer free for 12 years.
A person is considered a survivor from the time the cancer is discovered. They are considered cancer free from the time the cancer is removed or treated and tested to be not found. In other words, my skin cancer was found and removed at the same time and that's how I'm a survivor and cancer free of the same amount of 12 years.
My wife's cancer was found in '04, a lump removed and radiation treatment was applied. Afterwards, test discovered no cancer. However, 3 years later in '07, it resurfaced. Surgery was performed, tests are done annually and she's been cancer free since '07. Breast cancer is the #1 killer of women, which took over #2 heart disease, in '09.
A guy I work with and has since retired, had prostate cancer. He is alive and well to this day. :smiley_bril:
The point is, that it can be beat. Hang in there and focus on one issue at a time! Don't let the broad spectrum of "things" get you down. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, brother. :smiley_ahh: