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Capt had his first encounter


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Lets DART Cap't, put a radio collier on him and have a live tracking page we can log onto an see his movements.LOL

That'll be fun. We can get funding and everything!


Senior Member
So here's what happens. I'll make it a two parter since apparently some of you are clicking refresh just to hear it - I appreciate that ;) I won't pull a Coonie.

Went out at 11 this morning and met with Redcloud, got permission, walked the property with him, check the cams, saw the stands. I tell you what fellas - it takes a helluva man to say "here, here, and here" - good luck, have fun to his best hunting properties. I cannot say thank you enough Adam.

Had to run around a bit afterwards but got in the stand at 2. To sum, it's in the corner of a cut corn field. At 3:30 I had a medium sized doe come out of the opening in the woods at about 35 yards. Remember - I'm comfortable to 25/30. She walked out and munches around for about 15 minutes. There probably was a shot right as she walked into the field but I was shaking like a leaf. Like a hickory smelled leaf :D She never looked at me. So she starts going the other way and I literally slumped my shoulders, bummed. I'm completely cool now.

She goes to the original edge of the woods and and starts to sniff around and works her way back to the opening. Great. She walks past it and starts getting closer....she makes her way to the very corner, 15 yards, and steps in broadside.

I pulled my bow back, got halfway through my draw, and realized that my arrow was still in the whisker biscuit... WTF! Somehow when I turned I bumped the arrow off, that's my best guess. I let off and slipped the arrow back on, but by then she was in cover. I watched her for about 20 more minutes and she didn't smell me or anything, just moseying around.

Needless to say, I was bummed and heartbroken - a good shot on a nice deer, at an hour and a half into my bow hunting debut...


Senior Member
I took my mask off, had an apple, texted Jesse and Milo, and just took a little breather. I kept sitting and honestly brothers it was so relaxing. At the beginning of the sit I closed my eyes and said "Dear Lord, please give me a safe and successful season. Help me use this time to unwind and enjoy your creation. Please let me and all the TOO guys shoot big deer this year, amen"

Around 6 I was bored and getting cold. Milo had asked me about six times if I was cold, and I finally was - which, btw, is using your piss bottle as a handwarmer unethical? Around 6:20 I heard something behind me - that doe was back. I stood and turned and she worked her way about 35-40 yards out behind my stand, slightly getting closer. I picked my lane at 20 yards and sure enough she walked right to it...how am I getting this lucky?!?! She is still coming, so I let 'er cum boys!

This doe walks UNDER my stand. UNDER IT. I heard Jackalope screaming in my year - blow out her spine! She stops at 7 yards, angled in front of me, my sight pins are all BROWN, I draw and release.

My Muzzy zips and she walks into the field. Walks. I'm looking at the arrow - white fletching, white wraps...and I'm looking at this deer, comfortably back at 30 yards just nom nom noming in the cut corn. I thought to myself - so this is what Jesse means by "I wanted to yell, cry, throw my bow at it..." I was so pissed, yet thankful for a clean miss, and inside was laughing at myself...yes folks, I missed my first deer at a mere 7 yards from my tree.

So this doe is out in the field broadside and I put another arrow on. She starts to get further out and then works her way down the field and woodsline. I still can see her, probably 60-70 yards...and then there's another deer...and another deer. The small, medium, big 3 deer combine starts working its way down the field - in that order, 15 yards, 30 yards, 35 yards.... and I don't get a shot off. I did watch them until 7:20, which by then they had filed out the far corner of the field. Thanks for being polite girls.

The deer one today, but I learned some huge lessons. My nerves were off the wall at the beginning but each time I was given the chance to steady myself and calm down before (trying to, or) shooting. Of the 5.25 hours that I was out, there were deer from 70 yards to 7 feet for over an hour. That's a great hunt!



Senior Member
Cotty - first bow hunt ever.

First bow hunt after being a HUGE bow-basher years ago on OS, I should add.