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Could you kill these?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
No, since you're a too buddy it would be free. But yeah i know all about the cycles. And yes stable is good but hunter numbers are dropping. We're a dying breed. You guys need to get off the coyote thing and find something else to "hate" how about starlings or multiflora rose or alanthis, or bush honeysuckle or feral cats or autmn olive, or 4 wheelers or 5 acre yards or habitat loss. Sorry jackalope, i backslid.

Oh don't worry, we pretty much hate all of those things, too. Well, except for the 4 wheelers... 4 wheelers kick ass. :)


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Love my quad! I'm with ya on the others though.....don't know much about the autumn olive or alanthis(SP?)thingamajiggy. Lol

Throw in chiggers,ticks,skeeters,thistles and burrs in that list of things to hate TOO! lol
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Here in Clark if we eradicated the bush honeysuckle we wouldn't have any woodblocks left. Lol.


Dignitary Member
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I hate poison ivy. Just saying.

Wdbake- Don't run off. There are some good dudes here. They might not agree, but if you keep it in a respectable format, they are more than willing to have good debates. Keep the punches above the belt, try to stay fact based, and throw out ideas. I guarantee you will be surprised at the knowledge and respect you will find here.

You can ask JB. I know he has felt like the only one in the fight standing up for the ODNR in the past. Not sure where he stands now, but in the past I think he has felt like the only one in the fight. I will let JB speak for himself, but felt it only fair to point out as the way I read it you were attacking him about not being able to kill big bucks. I just found it a bit ironic you two were going back and forth a little given some of the debates in the past. JB has some darn nice deer to his name in my opinion.

Diablo? What can I say? Hunters are dwindling. The guy is in high school, works hard, runs traps in the mornings before school, hunts traditional. . . he has many years ahead of him to kill big bucks. Every year I think he is going to tag a dandy, and I feel he has as good a chance as any to do so year after year. You will see him, a few other young hunters, and many other guys posting pictures of kids younger than diablo on here. Probably not the thread for this discussion, but the guys on here are NOT the reason deer hunter numbers are dwindling. We are the more active hunters trying to bring our kids into the sport. The problem is the guys on this forum are just a small fraction of the hunters out there.

In regards to deer numbers, it has been mentioned already. I think you will find some of the other threads very entertaining, enlightening, and interesting. There are some very nice varieties of opinions about the subject. The problem has multiple reasons without a doubt. In MY opinion, coyotes are just one of the reasons. In the big picture, I do not think they are THE reason, but in the meantime, I will do what I can to reduce the coyote numbers.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Awww. Your TOO kind Phil.
If Mr. Bake wants to chirp off before he gets to know the members, (or their back-grounds) than so be it...
If he has some knowledge, credentials or background about the matter that may shed a new light on it, he should back it up.
Its "day 5 of the convention."


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Awww. Your TOO kind Phil.
If Mr. Bake wants to chirp off before he gets to know the members, (or their back-grounds) than so be it...
If he has some knowledge, credentials or background about the matter that may shed a new light on it, he should back it up.
Its "day 5 of the convention."

Maybe so. I am simply trying to show the guy we are not all bad. It would be easy to piss him off and run him off about now. I just don't know that this was what anyone was trying to accomplish. It seemed to me guys were trying to point him in the direction of the appropriate thread for this discussion and point out to him how his post came across as "attacking" guys he doesn't know. In the end, time will tell how it will play out. Mr Baker might end up being a regular contributor with good info, or he might decide he doesn't like it here. I suppose that decision is in his court.


Junior Member
SE Ohio
Thanks Hicks, I never thought anyone was bad and still don't. I know we all love the outdoors. I wasn't calling anyone out. I meant we have some great deer hunting here in Ohio. So yeah, I'll stick around. I got some chirps left in me. Thanks again, Bake.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I see plenty of deer on my place but I manage it for wildlife and coyotes howl here all the time.

A lot of us dont have property of our own to manage. For the most part, the farmers who are kind enough to give us permission ask us to shoot the coyotes, groundhogs and raccoons.

If you're having trouble killing a trophy buck in this state maybe you need to rethink your hunting tactics.

That was'nt right. Jbrown is a very skilled hunter. He could probably give you some pointers.

No, what I meant was I could give you guys some free deer hunting and habitat advise if you need it. If you don't , then OK. Also, I think Diablo 54 can stick up for himself.

then please do. You have been a member of this site since november. Of the 31 posts you have, 21 of them are on this thread. You showed us some nice pics of your friends deer, commented on a grouse hunting thread, and on a groundhog hunting thread. As a matter of fact, on the groundhog gun thread you mentioned it was sad that the yotes have killed all your groundhogs. If you like the whistlepigs so much, maybe you should shoot some coyotes.

But I have yet to see a post containing any informative information about deerhunting. Believe me, we would all welcome any useful tips or pointers.

Ok, I'll stick around and mess with you all some more sometime

messing with people is a bad habit to get into. just sayin.

And yes stable is good but hunter numbers are dropping. We're a dying breed.

True. We need to get more children involved. Those of us on this site make it a point to try to get more hunters in the woods. Killing "varmints" is a good way to get them interested. It takes a lot of skill to consistantly harvest a whitetail. But shooting groundhogs for the farmers and keeping coyotes in check is a way to get the kids out there and get their interest in the summer months. hopefully it will carry over to the fall.

Sorry for all the quotes, My internet has been wigging out the last few days and I just now had a chance to get caught up.

Here is the bottom line for me.
1) I'm not sure why this is in the whitetail hunting forum
2) the ODNR obviously endorsses hunting for coyotes. If they werent considered a nuissance then why are there no bag limits and no closed season. Its simple. WE are the top predators in todays world. the coyote population has the potential become an issue. It is up to us to keep it in balance.
3) As stated earlier, most farmers consider coyotes a problem and ask us to help with them. right along with many other nuissance species. I have posted a few pics of dead yotes myself. not of every one, but of the ones that have a cool story to go along with it. I do consider shooting a coyote "fun" but I also understand that completely irradicating the species is impossble, and irresponsible.
4) How whitetail numbers got brought up on this thread, I dont know. But, as stated earlier, there are plenty of other threads about the topic. Those threads can get just as heated as this one has.
5) everyone is entitled to their opinion. most on this site will disagree that killing coyotes is bad. and nobody is going to be able to change their opinion.

Welcome to the site.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Mrex and Lundy- My memory is about as long as my pecker. What can I say?:smiley_crocodile:

I tip my hat to you guys as well. You two have also stood up for the ODNR repeatedly. I would imagine you guys have felt that way before as well. I wasn't trying to derail this any further or leave anyone out that deserved credit. I was just trying to point out JB had been in similar shoes before or probably felt that way.

Geesh. You guys are killing me. lol
Sad part is, you know me too well. You were busting my balls. I realize this, yet, for some strange reason feel the need to justify myself. lmao


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Mrex and Lundy- My memory is about as long as my pecker. What can I say?:smiley_crocodile:

I tip my hat to you guys as well. You two have also stood up for the ODNR repeatedly. I would imagine you guys have felt that way before as well. I wasn't trying to derail this any further or leave anyone out that deserved credit. I was just trying to point out JB had been in similar shoes before or probably felt that way.

Geesh. You guys are killing me. lol
Sad part is, you know me too well. You were busting my balls. I realize this, yet, for some strange reason feel the need to justify myself. lmao

Yeah. But all three have friends in and one wants to work for the odnr. So I take it with a grain of salt. ;) lol.