It happened for me this morning. I set up and had just gotten my camera mounted to the tree when a doe came in right under my stand she smelled the base of my tree then looked up and knew something wasn't right. A few minutes later a spike buck came through and then a six point which I debated on shooting came through. I thought about shooting it because it's left side wrapped down and under its mouth. They left and this whole time behind me it sounded like there were deer chasing on the hill. 30 minutes later I see that the six point and spike are coming back down to me so I stand up and grab my bow. They are 20 yds in front of me Then I hear something coming in behind me at a steady walk. I look down through the holes in my climber and all i see is rack. I picked my spot and let one fly. It hit perfect and the buck ran 50 yards and fell over. I got both lungs. Not bad for the first buck with the widow.