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Could you kill these?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Please don't take this personal or wrong MandR. Just thinking out loud. In your shoes, I would want the highest chance of success on the first attempt. With zero trapping experience, I would not try it. Might call some buddies or even hire someone to give me a hand, but I don't think I would make this one my first trapping attempt. I have never trapped either.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yea,im ready to kill some yotes!Holy Crap!!

Finding the den and picking them off or burning them out would have been easier before they started roaming. Good luck. Find their den area and set up on them.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Water bowl of antifreeze would work wonders lol.

On a serious note. I wouldn't do the traps unless you can set enough to catch them all at the same time. If you get one in and the rest will quickly figure it out and take off. Guns, will only get one and the bang will send the rest runnin for the hills. Best bet is to get a few buddies together and get some road kill big enough they can't just run in and pick it up and take off and place it nearby this area in a spot where you can see fairly well. wait for as many as you can to come in. Have a countdown and all of you start unloading on them at the same time.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Am only repeating what I was told. But fly bait and Mt. Dew kills everything that drinks it.

Fly bait and coke was what I was told by a good source once lol.

True about the new antifreeze as well. Kind of a bitter taste to it now so they don't drink as much to do the deed lol. Make them sicker then hell though. Might be able to find them by listening to the dog yackin lol.


Senior Member
Water bowl of antifreeze would work wonders lol.

On a serious note. I wouldn't do the traps unless you can set enough to catch them all at the same time. If you get one in and the rest will quickly figure it out and take off. Guns, will only get one and the bang will send the rest runnin for the hills. Best bet is to get a few buddies together and get some road kill big enough they can't just run in and pick it up and take off and place it nearby this area in a spot where you can see fairly well. wait for as many as you can to come in. Have a countdown and all of you start unloading on them at the same time.

I disagree. If you can catch the adults first the youngins will be a piece of cake. Even if you catch the young first the older can still be caught but it's a whole different ball game. You can't expect to get them all at once. I'll respond to your pm tommorow mand.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I disagree. If you can catch the adults first the youngins will be a piece of cake. Even if you catch the young first the older can still be caught but it's a whole different ball game. You can't expect to get them all at once. I'll respond to your pm tommorow mand.

Might be true but trying to only target the adults first is going to be a chore especially with that many feet running around. the adults didn't get to be adults by being stupid and are a little more aware of the surrounding then the youngins. Not going to be an easy task anyway you go about it and not something that will be taken care of in one fell swoop.


Senior Member
Might be true but trying to only target the adults first is going to be a chore especially with that many feet running around. the adults didn't get to be adults by being stupid and are a little more aware of the surrounding then the youngins. Not going to be an easy task anyway you go about it and not something that will be taken care of in one fell swoop.

I never said you were targeting a specific age of coyotes at the very beginning.Its just easier when the adults are caught first. At first your sets are just sets. Then say you have lost one In a trap or one knows what's up and what the sets look like that's when you go with a change of technique to catch him.


Kirtland, Ohio
Man I gotta say... I don't think its right to kill the pups. I completely understand what they will grow up into but I would rather allow them to grow up and get them then. No thrill in killing baby anything but just my opinion.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Man I gotta say... I don't think its right to kill the pups. I completely understand what they will grow up into but I would rather allow them to grow up and get them then. No thrill in killing baby anything but just my opinion.

Pull your earrings out and man up....

But seriously, no one has mentioned 'thrill' on killing pups. But you've gotta do what you've gotta do.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Man I gotta say... I don't think its right to kill the pups. I completely understand what they will grow up into but I would rather allow them to grow up and get them then. No thrill in killing baby anything but just my opinion.

I don't get a thrill out of killing mice around the house, spraying wasp nests, or killing yote pups. It's all the same to me. Just something that needs done. If I don't take care of it now it'll be a bigger problem later. And the odds of killing them later is slim to none. You have to find them when they're denning and knock them out in one swoop. Takes a fraction of the time and effort.