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Hanging stands...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Nice to know I'm not the only one who has white knuckled a tree like a squirrel, then put my forehead on the trunk to regather my composure after one of those sticks slips.. lmao.. First time it happens every season it scares the shit out of me.. By the end of season It's just another day climbing trees. lmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have had some pucker moments. Maybe I have to rethink some things. Seems like from what I am reading. . . I am getting too comfortable. The first year I hunted was in my buddy's stands. Pucker pucker pucker every time. Now that I hang most of my own, I think I am getting too comfy. I still use a harness, but when those sticks slip a little I don't pucker unless it is a BIG slip. I usually have both arms wrapped around the back of the tree as I climb though. I have ridden trees down before and tore the snot out of my belly, inner arms/legs. I am sure I will do it again. Only takes once though. Dale should be in my mind more often as I climb to hang this season.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Not to mention that portable sticks are scary enough. That stick slips an inch to bite in and I about drop a crap in my drawers every time. lmao

you aint lyin....

I personally hate hanging ladder stands, When some of them are so top heavy, and your trying to keep all your weight forward so the stand doesnt come back...ugh

I'll hang a 30' hang on any day. You wanna talk about being scared, try hanging the main harness for tree saddles...OMG that stuff is crazy. If you wantto be 25-30' you have to hang that main strap up there 30-35' on little screw in steps. But you are 360 degree mobile in them things.
I've got one stand that I generally leave up year round and it's a bugger to get up and into every time so I installed a HSS Life Line on the tree and boy does THAT give you peace of mind when climbing and especially transitioning to and from the stand itself.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Talkin scared. Go sit in one of flutemans 30' stands with a downslope overlook lol. I'm fine with my setups after a time or two in them and I usually do that before season starts so I can get that out of the way.

I went to Fluties and hunted one of his stands the first morning and I don't think you could have slipped a sheet of paper between me and that ladder lol. Then I get up there and look out and then down and down and down some more lmao. I swear to you that platform was only about 14" wide TOO lol. I was a little better for the evening hunt but I wasn't moving anywhere fast that's for sure lol. Ask him, he will tell ya lol.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Talkin scared. Go sit in one of flutemans 30' stands with a downslope overlook lol. I'm fine with my setups after a time or two in them and I usually do that before season starts so I can get that out of the way.

I went to Fluties and hunted one of his stands the first morning and I don't think you could have slipped a sheet of paper between me and that ladder lol. Then I get up there and look out and then down and down and down some more lmao. I swear to you that platform was only about 14" wide TOO lol. I was a little better for the evening hunt but I wasn't moving anywhere fast that's for sure lol. Ask him, he will tell ya lol.

I had a few stands like that on hills in SO.. Look out the right side and it looks about 15 feet.. Out the left side and it looks about 40.. lmao


Staff member
Fuggin' Nayden death choked one of my maples this fall trying to get in a 30 footer! lmao

I have a couple stands that are like Joe described. Look left and life is good; look right/down and your butthole slams shut!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Fuggin' Nayden death choked one of my maples this fall trying to get in a 30 footer! lmao

I have a couple stands that are like Joe described. Look left and life is good; look right/down and your butthole slams shut!!!

That one u put me in that Jamie killed his doe in wasn't an easy one to navigate at first. That ladder was bowing, shit creaking, and it was up there a bit. Lol


Staff member
That one u put me in that Jamie killed his doe in wasn't an easy one to navigate at first. That ladder was bowing, shit creaking, and it was up there a bit. Lol

Yeah, that one is coming down after this year. Gonna replace the hardware and paint it. It's been in a tree 24/7/365 since 2006...


Junior Member
In the woods
Gezz today was not a good day to hang and trim!i bet I lost 5lb today.just did one today gonna go back our ASAP...

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Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I've got one stand that I generally leave up year round and it's a bugger to get up and into every time so I installed a HSS Life Line on the tree and boy does THAT give you peace of mind when climbing and especially transitioning to and from the stand itself.

Any other review on that product? I'm interested...


And it's not the butt puckering that gets me, it's when you're perched like a squirrel and the sun comes up and you don't know where you are. Steve!! I am gonna puke! hahaha


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Fuggin' Nayden death choked one of my maples this fall trying to get in a 30 footer! lmao

I have a couple stands that are like Joe described. Look left and life is good; look right/down and your butthole slams shut!!!

Lmao! Yup! Jessie goes for maximum stretch between sticks and millenium....not sure if it was the comfort of the stand or the gap that had me wanting to stay in that tree...haha. I honestly think trying to lower my bow in the stand over the creek was worse. With the lean of the tree I couldn't keep my bow out of the ladder!

What I would give for a rebound in doe numbers and a weekend at Sandridge!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Any other review on that product? I'm interested...


And it's not the butt puckering that gets me, it's when you're perched like a squirrel and the sun comes up and you don't know where you are. Steve!! I am gonna puke! hahaha

Dude I will never forget that as long as live. HAHAHA I thought it was from a long night I guess I just never thought twice about someone getting into a stand someone else hung and the doubts that could be running through their head. Well between you puking and me pissing from the tree you still got one.


Staff member
What amazes me is that Fluteman is all of 5'9" or 10" and that sum beech can set screw in steps and mobile sticks so far apart, that even I have trouble getting up the tree and I'm 6'1"!!! I have no idea how he does it, but he must be part monkey!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
What amazes me is that Fluteman is all of 5'9" or 10" and that sum beech can set screw in steps and mobile sticks so far apart, that even I have trouble getting up the tree and I'm 6'1"!!! I have no idea how he does it, but he must be part monkey!!!

It doesn't really have have much to do with how tall you are. If your stomach doesn't get in the way when hiking up your leg you can get that foot up higher.:D


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
What amazes me is that Fluteman is all of 5'9" or 10" and that sum beech can set screw in steps and mobile sticks so far apart, that even I have trouble getting up the tree and I'm 6'1"!!! I have no idea how he does it, but he must be part monkey!!!

Ha! I like to get maximum height out of my setups! I'm not really bothered by heights, and by now, I am use to the LW sticks "slipping." With that being said, I have hung a few sets that when I went to tear then down, I was asking myself, "How the fugg did you get this stand up here in the first place!"


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ha! I like to get maximum height out of my setups! I'm not really bothered by heights, and by now, I am use to the LW sticks "slipping." With that being said, I have hung a few sets that when I went to tear then down, I was asking myself, "How the fugg did you get this stand up here in the first place!"

I had that same thought while taking one down a couple months ago. Fugger was 35'+ off the ground, and it was a trapeeze act just getting into it from the steps. It was in a dynamite spot, but I had to take it down because I just didn't trust myself with it. I've had my fair share of hairy stand placements over the years, but I just couldn't get used to this one. It's the only one I've ever set where every single time I climbed into it I worried, "Is this going to be the day I fall?" That's just stupid... so it had to go. Maybe I'll try it again one day, but it'll be a totally different arrangement.


I really wanted to hang a set this afternoon... with the rain that moved through, and the cooler temps and what-not. I got home a little early from work, drank a few beers with the neighbor... Then just as I started getting some shit together my wife called and reminded me of the dairy farm tour we had planned to attend. Fugg.... No stands were hung today, but I did at least get a free chicken dinner. :)