What a day! Never got to sleep until 220-230am and was up at 7 this morning. Took Geoffrey to a doctor's appointment and got some good reports. No further issues with an issue he had and not another checkup for 6 months!
Headed to Hilliard to help my brother move. Turns out I spent more time trimming trees and pruning shrubs than helping him move. He suckered his older brother into some slave labor! Glad to have been able to help my little bro out. How exciting to see him and his girlfriend buying a house! I know what is coming next.
Slid over to Skeeter Creek to get the Elite GT500 tuned. The service and education you receive there is top notch! In fact, you never know what fellow TOOzer might stop in while you are there. I got to meet Longdraw today! Milo had a kids bow that the boys shot and shot and shot! Now I have at least one bow to dial in and shoot a ton prior to the season! Was able to meet his wife and one of the future hunters as well. For 2 years old that little man is walking, talking, shooting bows, working on things, and well on his way! Cracked me up to see him out carrying arrahs around and a claw hammer. Daddy is teaching him well. Don't piss off any of the Milo clan, they all freakin carry a hammer! lmao
Made it home safe and the kids are tuckered out. TOO long, but a definite TOO good day!