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Bow Shoot at Crooked Run Archery


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Man, what a great weekend thanks to the members here at TOO! It was great to finally meet Ric and his brother Ron, Scott, and Marcus! Thanks to Marcus and his family for allowing the TOO crew to crash their shoot and then camp out on their farm. I swear, I have never ate so much food in a 24 hour period! I had a great weekend shooting and visiting with some great people!


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I had a great time as well. Right now I'm spent. I'll try to get some photos up tomorrow. If there is anything specific you guys want posted let me know. There are about 170 photos, so obviously they all won’t get posted. Big thanks to Marcus and the rest of the TOO gang for a great weekend.

Any pics showing us actually shooting at the animals rather than dry humping them or sexually abusing them would be a start.Rotflmao
Kinda giving those who couldn't make it the idea we did some shooting......well with the exception of Charles of course. Rotflmao

Can't wait to see what you have picked out Scott, I'm sure their all good shots. Damn nice camera by the way. It didn't have a mod on it did it cuz Charles used it alot?!? Just sayin'. Bahaaaaaaaaaa

Sorry Beener.


Well-Known Member
Ric...I'll try to post some more tonight. Hoping 'lope can help me out with a bulk upoload. If not I'll still get a few of everyone shooting posted up. Photobucket was doing some kind of site maintenance last night. I think I only got 1 pic to load in over an hour of effort. The rest were loaded using tinypic.com.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Any pics showing us actually shooting at the animals rather than dry humping them or sexually abusing them would be a start.Rotflmao
Kinda giving those who couldn't make it the idea we did some shooting
......well with the exception of Charles of course. Rotflmao

Can't wait to see what you have picked out Scott, I'm sure their all good shots. Damn nice camera by the way. It didn't have a mod on it did it cuz Charles used it alot?!? Just sayin'. Bahaaaaaaaaaa

Sorry Beener.

I know better lmao. I have been to a few TOO gathering and know what shenanigans goes on lmao.

I think there might even be a pic floating around of me from a meeting of TOO members at Cardinal last summer lol.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here is all I got TOOzers:

Here is Hoyt bearing down on a critter

Here is Scott the ole lefthander laying the smack down on some foam

Here is Taylor showing he can do one of two things very well on his knees(just kidding Diablo)

Bombs away!!!

Jake(moundhill) showing great form for a young whippersnapper

Mike "the pivotman Cottis" showing his stuff(sockless for now)

The "Shu" getting it done with some ass time

This is one dead pig
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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here are some campfire pics

Beener with the dewrag and SKum shirt and Fluteman with his snuggie should indicate something...lol

From left to right...JB, Cotty and Ron(full bore-my bro)

Moundhill giving thanks for surviving the shoot with all but one arrah

Left to right Jesse,JB and Cotty

Here is Joe(jackalope),Jesse and JB

Scott and Joe


Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Looks like you guys had a hell of a time. Bummed that I couldn't make it down.

Schu and FS - thanks for taking a bunch of pictures for us!