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Trespassers confronted today


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
(note to self: cancel plans to sneak into Hickslawns buddies property).


Bigfoot baby, Bigfoot. Look at it this way. There is very little hunting land around here. There is even less "good" hunting land. A guy busts his butt day in and day out. Finally buys a chunk of land only for hunting. He works hard, he hunts hard. He just dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars on 70 acres of prime land. He hasn't set foot on the property for anything other than hunting since he prepped the land before the season. He sneaks in 2 hrs before light. As the sun is coming up he sees a couple mid-20's pothead looking pukes trespassing on his new property. Douchebags just interrupted Bigfoot while he was trying to get a piece of whitetail ass. I feel sorry for them. This is the reality of what we are dealing with. They are going to wish they were caught by me if they get caught trespassing. That is all I can say.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio

Bigfoot baby, Bigfoot. Look at it this way. There is very little hunting land around here. There is even less "good" hunting land. A guy busts his butt day in and day out. Finally buys a chunk of land only for hunting. He works hard, he hunts hard. He just dropped hundreds of thousands of dollars on 70 acres of prime land. He hasn't set foot on the property for anything other than hunting since he prepped the land before the season. He sneaks in 2 hrs before light. As the sun is coming up he sees a couple mid-20's pothead looking pukes trespassing on his new property. Douchebags just interrupted Bigfoot while he was trying to get a piece of whitetail ass. I feel sorry for them. This is the reality of what we are dealing with. They are going to wish they were caught by me if they get caught trespassing. That is all I can say.

Fuc*en A hickslawns! I'm sick of every few years having to go into asshole mode w/ some new guys slippen in to hunt,fish or take liberties w/ land I'm putting time and money into... The additional pisser is that 95% of em never even ask permission.
*** not that its right but; during the depression, my grandfather was given the job some evenings of guarding the garden .
As the story goes; gramps father was out for a night of cards and drinking and gramp had garden security... Late that night he spotted 2 guys sneaking into the Mellon patch... He gave em load of rock salt from the 12 gage as they were running through the garden grabbing mellons...

Turns out during the drinking/card game, the guys got a taste for mellons... Gramp said his father didn't want his mother to catch him drunk so they slipped in on the back side of the yard (staggered) He had a hard time explaining the peppering of rock sale but gramp said he never got in trouble lol
Dam I miss my grandfather. He had such great stories from a simpler era.
(WHOA! SORRY FOR THE RANT! I'll stop now)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great story Jim. Pass it on to your kids before it is lost buddy. I have several great depression stories from when my Great Grandmother was alive to tell them. Some from her, some from my Grandmother and her siblings. Many sad, many others heartwarming. Bottom line is when you work hard for something, it isn't so everyone else can come steal it a piece at a time. I do not own this property, but feel very privileged to have been entrusted with the responsibility of keeping the shit out. Coming from "Bigfoot", this is a pretty good honor. Without saying too much about him or his business, there are very few people in "the circle". Trust is not a word to be taken lightly. He trusts me to keep the shit out, and I intend on making it happen.


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
Speaking of tresspassers.........................I check my BEC online after being in meetings all morning. A guy and girl walking through my woods, WTF?? I am ready to haul ass home and find out who and what they are doing. I then remember my neighbor is working nights and should be home, so I call him.
Gary: What are you doing back here??
Guy: Taking senior pictures in a wooded setting, why?? I got permisson from so and so....
Gary: Well you are three properties over from where you have permisson. Take your pictures but I suggest next time you want to come back you call and let us know. We have cameras all over these woods watching who is back here.
Guy: O.K. sorry

Dude had to be kinda freaked out that in less than 10 minutes after he walks onto the property he is being confronted. Had to wonder how the hell we "knew" he was back there:smiley_crocodile:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That doesn't help things now does it Randy? You want me to piss off Bigfoot and send him up there? Be like a Bigfoot/Captain Caveman asswhoopin' he lays down on them.