A good friends son is a med student at OU, he suffered a serious head injury in a motorcycle accident. Another friend and I are trying to arrange to travel to Athens to bring jimmie's things home.
We would like to find some Jimmie's buddies to help but are trying to avoid bothering his parents right now more then we have to. I tried FB but cant find him there. I thought if anyone here attends OU they might be able to figure out how I might contact someone for help.
Pm me if you think you can help and I can give you the full name.
We would like to find some Jimmie's buddies to help but are trying to avoid bothering his parents right now more then we have to. I tried FB but cant find him there. I thought if anyone here attends OU they might be able to figure out how I might contact someone for help.
Pm me if you think you can help and I can give you the full name.