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TOO 2012 Waterfowl Hunt Log


Staff member
Might have found what I was after this evening, but it'll take some luck to get on here. This is the outside of the field, but there's 30 rows missing from the interior of a 40 acre field that will allow me to set up on any wind. Problem being, it's leased by a small gun club made up of 50+ your old men. It is also leased for corn and supposedly the farmer with the corn has say over who hunts the field. I have an in with the club, so I'm staring there. They also have my duck hunting spot leased up that I picked out on the map. Got my fingers crossed!!!

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Staff member
Well I still haven't got any answers other than the fact that I may have found the best damn goose hunting spot in a 50 mile drive of my house and I won't be able to hunt it!!! :tantrum: Here is a pic of what I am dealing with...

At 6:30 this morning I was parked just SW of the corn field in the top right of the map. The green area is standing corn and the brown around it was harvested for silage last week. Inside the red circle were 150 strong Canada geese just asking for someone to shoot them! I stopped and talked to the guy who lives on the corner at the corn field on Monday and he told me that a local gun club had that field leased as part of their 200+ acre lease. He also told me that a local guy who I know, had the field leased for crops and may ultimately have say over who hunts it. I find that hard to believe, and harder to believe knowing the guy that he would let me hunt it over the guys in the gun club. I'm still working on sorting things out, but it is becoming a lot of work to get turned down. But damn if it ain't a hot spot for geese right now!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I'm still working on sorting things out, but it is becoming a lot of work to get turned down. But damn if it ain't a hot spot for geese right now!!!

Keep after it man... it feels like a lot of work to get turned down, and sometimes it is, but when everything works out & you get a slip signed for a spot that the birds want to be on.... well, there's not too many things sweeter than that.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Are there any other fields nearby that you might get permission to hunt? Seems like, with that many birds, there should be some other fields they're hitting other than that one sileage field. Good luck, man.


*Supporting Member*
I would think you oughta be able to get permission to hunt it if you find the right person . Obviously no one in the gun club has a interest otherwise they wouldn't be there. You normally only get to shoot a field a couple times before the geese move on . As far as early season spots dairy farms normally chop lotsa silage. If you can find a area with a few dairy farms geese should be around. Also, birds oftentimes only use a freshly picked field for a short time before moving on to a new field


Staff member
Found about two dozen ducks and all the geese back in the same spot this morning. Trying to talk my buddy in to getting the blind put on his boat today so we can take it out tomorrow...


Staff member
Well?... How'd it go?

We saw over 200 birds, but were 150 yards from where we needed to be. There was not enough cover for the boat where I wanted to be and it cost us birds.

Just got a text from my buddy saying there were 12+ geese holed up in some back water on the lake close to my house. Just grabbed my waders and gun. It'll be a long shot, but I'm gonna attempt to wade through the swamp and get in gun range. Probably a waste of time, but what the hell right!?!


Staff member
Well, that was a total failure. If I didn't already want to buy a new choke tube, I do now. Got to within 40 yards and started raining steel with no casualties. Lost my flute call and my bird carrier somewhere along my 200 yard belly crawl through the swamp. Sweat my fuggin' balls off in my waders TOO.


Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Well, that was a total failure. If I didn't already want to buy a new choke tube, I do now. Got to within 40 yards and started raining steel with no casualties. Lost my flute call and my bird carrier somewhere along my 200 yard belly crawl through the swamp. Sweat my fuggin' balls off in my waders TOO.


How the hell did you lose Greg? Crawl over him in the mud and he sank in?!?