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The TOO dump thread


Junior Member
Cincinnati Oh
Got all my gear inventoried and washed yesterday, preparing for a few evening hunts this week. Got all that done and was splitting some wood for the wood burner and did something to my back and neck. I can't even hardly hold my bow in my left hand let alone draw it back... hoping it is just temporary. Had to sleep in the recliner last night and was stiff as a board this morning. Going to give it a day or two hopefully just strained something.

Take your arse to the Chriopractor!! They really help! Hope you recover soon

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Take your arse to the Chriopractor!! They really help! Hope you recover soon

Iced for the first 24 hours, started heat lastnight... Woke up this morning and my range of motion left to right has doubled, so I think it is getting better. I could probably still use a trip to the chiro though.


*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
Iced for the first 24 hours, started heat lastnight... Woke up this morning and my range of motion left to right has doubled, so I think it is getting better. I could probably still use a trip to the chiro though.

Put a few beers on it and you'll be fine. Seriously, these things happen when you get older. Hopefully it will be fine in a few days.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Fuggin tired of people. Deleted about a page worth of "what grinds my gears". No need to bring you down TOO. People are lost in every way and it isn't the few....

Fucktards...I can't live with them and can't eliminate them... I guess I will pray for them.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Fuggin tired of people. Deleted about a page worth of "what grinds my gears". No need to bring you down TOO. People are lost in every way and it isn't the few....

Fucktards...I can't live with them and can't eliminate them... I guess I will pray for them.

Pray that when it hits they become zombies so that you can put 'em down.
Don't forget to doubletap.


Junior Member
I generally hate people more and more the older I get. I also find myself calling people out that I don't even know when they do stupid shit that causes me to deal with their stupid shit. My road rage is horrible these days and I have little tolerance for the massive amount of lazy and stupid people I encounter on a daily basis.

Just wait until that baby comes along and she's riding with you and some dumbass cuts you off or damn near hits you. Road Rage Max+10, but you can't do anything about it since the baby is with you. Fun times....


*Supporting Member*
N.E. O-H-I-O
Just wait until that baby comes along and she's riding with you and some dumbass cuts you off or damn near hits you. Road Rage Max+10, but you can't do anything about it since the baby is with you. Fun times....

That reminds me of a good, true story from a friend of mine. The name has been changed to protect the innocent.

Dave has always used colorful language, but tried to tone it down around the kids. Those babies eventually grow a little and he was now riding in the car with a kindergartener. As usual these days, someone completlely cut him off because they were on the phone, texting or just a clueless idiot. Dave is pissed and is just about to let some words loose, but remembers his innocent little kid was in the car, so he just groans. Then from the back seat, the kid says, "F*** You! Right daddy?"

He lost it cracking up ... and realized he needed to tone it down a little more.


Staff member

That's hilarious!

I'm getting sick with the same crud I get every year when spring and fall arrive. I have an ass load of stuff to do tomorrow, so it will be a miserable day. Congestion, fever, achey, and weak. Not good...


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina

That's hilarious!

I'm getting sick with the same crud I get every year when spring and fall arrive. I have an ass load of stuff to do tomorrow, so it will be a miserable day. Congestion, fever, achey, and weak. Not good...

Damn Jesse you better be over that stuff before Strouds!!!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Exactly what I didn't need on my way home tonight