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Shirts and Hats


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Let me get this squared away and we can go from there. I will go back through this thread and get an order started and before I do anything I will get with each of you to finalize the requests.

Just give me a little time fellas.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Let me get this squared away and we can go from there. I will go back through this thread and get an order started and before I do anything I will get with each of you to finalize the requests.

Just give me a little time fellas.

Let me know before you order Adam.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Let me get this squared away and we can go from there. I will go back through this thread and get an order started and before I do anything I will get with each of you to finalize the requests.

Just give me a little time fellas.

Damn, just start a new thread when ya do!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Hey Guys & Gals... we're working out the details on putting together a TOO Gear bulk buy. We're trying to set things up to have a nice and easy flow for the members to be able to place orders, and for the supplier to be able to process orders. The initial thought at this point in time is that is to place a bulk order within the coming weeks, and as time goes on we can modify how the orders move through the site.

More information will be coming (including pricing for gear shipped directly to your door) but we just wanted to get this thread refreshed to start to gauge what the interest is in ordering some TOO gear.

Here is what the TOO gear offering looks like at this point in time:

TOO logo on the upper left chest area & back of the shirt.
Additional cost per item for 2XL or larger.
Colors available: Black, Khaki, Forrest Green, Dark Gray, RealTree

Short Sleeve T
Long Sleeve T
RealTree Short Sleeve T
RealTree Long Sleeve T
24" Vinyl Sticker
12" Vinyl Sticker

So then, in order to put the plan together, who is interested & what gear would you be likely to order?