Unless they have changed things, "Urban Zones" are entire counties. Franklin County covers the Columbus area, however some municipalities have "no hunting rules" that supercede. I too feel there should be more pressure applied to those small towns that do not allow archery hunting within city limits. But, it is a difficult situation. If I lived in one of those areas, I don't think I would want to find arrow shot deer in my flower bed either. Those areas are not the places I'm overly concerned about. Rural, traditional hunting areas, are the ones hardest hit. And really, I don't care that the population is lowered. I really don't...what troubles me most is the fact that the DOW has spent so many years stating the same population estimate when people all over the state are now saying their numbers are down dramatically. The DOW is faced with challenges now they were not faced with just 20 yrs ago. When they gave an estimate, we had no benchmark to measure against. Today, people are better "managers" than they once were. Locally, hunters KNOW what they have available, through trail cams, more time spent afield, etc. Years ago, no one had a buck "named" before season, you relied on what you saw while hunting and that was about all the information you had.... along with whatever the DOW said. These days, when the DOW says "We have the highest population we've ever had", people are there with good information to call BS! The DOW is not the only source of information now, we as hunters gather our own, and if we are unbiased, and take just the facts we can gather, we can come up with a pretty accurate observation of our own. That leaves quite a few sportsmen ready to call BS on the DOW rather than just to write things off as a "bad year".
To a point, I think we are spoiled. Years ago, deer hunting was something people did for maybe a week out of the year. The dressing up in coveralls, wearing silly hats, and carrying well-oiled guns was fun enough in itself. If a few deer were seen, maybe a shot was fired, it was all a bonus. I remember one old guy in our church that had killed 8 deer...he was a legend. I've killed more than that in a season. Thing is, we have come to expect great hunting. It takes a pretty high population of deer to keep so many hunters happy. It's what we are accustomed to. It's what we feel we are entitled to, afterall we pay the bills at the DOW. Having seen the deer hunting improve so much from the early 80's into the mid-90's, I want those levels back. I don't remember any great hardships suffered when we had that great deer herd of the mid-90's, but my perspective was not of the tree farmer, I'm just a hunter.
Sorry, I ramble...