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Mornin' geezer!


Senior Member
Morning Cuz

Morning Dannmann

Morning CJD

Morning RC

Morning J

Morning Erine

Morning Badger

Morning 1023

Morning Cotty

Morning Cob

Morning Hoot

Morning Jackolope

Morning Trad Fool :smiley_crush:

Have a good day everyone.

haven't we done this before Jeesh Morning Riverdude!


Senior Member
My intestine is in about 30 twists and turns I am sharting some nasty shit right now! That's the story of my morning.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Breaking News.....................

1:00 p.m.

Dannmann just ordered a #1 at Sonics with a large coke!


Dude - that was a #1 with tots and a Diet Coke....outfugginstanding.
I luvs me some Sonics.....mmmm.....

Hey Dude, check out these couple of fun pics from the weekend....
My 2001 Mazda hit a milestone this weekend (I'm the original owner)

quarter million miles.jpg

I'd seen a picture like this before, and when I got up Sat AM and saw him in the road in front of the house, I couldn't resist. My neighbors all got a chuckle.

free coon.jpg


Senior Member
Haha thats great Dman!

How did RD know what you ate for lunch? Kinda creepy:confused::smiley_confused_vra:smiley_confused_sch:smiley_chinrub::smiley_arrogant:


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Dude - that was a #1 with tots and a Diet Coke....outfugginstanding.
I luvs me some Sonics.....mmmm.....

Hey Dude, check out these couple of fun pics from the weekend....
My 2001 Mazda hit a milestone this weekend (I'm the original owner)

View attachment 662

I'd seen a picture like this before, and when I got up Sat AM and saw him in the road in front of the house, I couldn't resist. My neighbors all got a chuckle.

View attachment 663

Great photo's Dan.

But I am in some freaking hot water now, lol. I told the Co. Man I was going to check Sonics out and he got all pumped up and gave me money to pick up the Cheeese Burger with Chilli on it.
Well I go there and son of a bitch, it was a freaking Red Robin.................Yuuuuuuum!
I figured I was not going to take a chance so I ended up getting the Bacon Cheese Burger at "Hog Fathers". I get back and told my Co. Man about it being a Red Robin and he was bummed, he said his mouth has been watering all afternoon for dat dang Chilli Cheese Burger!!!!

Oh well.

Hey Diablo, I know lots of things that go on with you guys, lol. :smiley_crazy:


Senior Member
Go to bed Steve...

LOL I am going! Got a lot done tonight, first test went well, not enough studying got done for my test tomorrow. Oh well, there were other things to do.

Ready to get some sleep, wake up, have breakfast with a certain girl, study, lunch with a certain girl, take this damn final, pack, and get back to the great state of OHIO! Tonight one of my friends simply said "I need to go home". I echo that statement - I need to go home and just as importantly, I need to hunt. It's going to be a full week of shootin and hunting and friends and family and I can't wait.

'Night fellars


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
Morning Cuzin Geezer

Morning Dannmann

Morning CJD

Morning Redcloud

Morning Ernie

Morning J

Morning Badger

Morning Joe

Morning 1023

Morning Cotty

Morning Cob

Morning Hoot

Morning Diablo

Morning Thunderflight

Morning Trad Fool :smiley_crush:

Moring Uglykat

Morning Everyone else....................

Have a great day guys. :smiley_bro:


Senior Member
Morning fellars.

Dang its a good day, da sun is out, my dinner tonight will be my mommas cooking, and tomorrow I get to shoot da bow, da go, and see da Redcloud.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Morning fellars.

Dang its a good day, da sun is out, my dinner tonight will be my mommas cooking, and tomorrow I get to shoot da bow, da go, and see da Redcloud.

Adam, keep the kid away from yer pet bear, Gentle Ben....
He's gonna need a few days back home to calm down and leave that "its collage-lets experiment" stuff behind....;)

Good luck this weekend guys. Remember, I'm hunten through your adventures this year...:p
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
CJ I'm really excited about this weekend, not just for me but everybody else TOO,,,,,I just got a feeling that there is gonna be alot of action and success in the next few days, next two weeks for that matter.

You'll have plenty to read about when everyone comes outta the woods

Hey Ernie, how did you get your girlfiend to wear a bearsuit?:p


Senior Member
All these times you guys say stick it in .... and I do and then I made fun of :smiley_blackeye:

Test went well, not an A by any means, but better than the last shell shocking.

Packing, and home