Baseball and softball: Dang are they expensive. Finally broke down and bought a decent rubber tee for the kids to practice ($29.99). Both of them had outgrown their cleates ($17.99 and $29.99). Graci's softball coach said these 11yr old girls are going to be practicing sliding. Suggested buying some sliding shorts ($17.99). They have both been practicing their batting a ton and since they have both shown great improvement, we splurged on some batting gloves for each ($12.99/$19.99). Garrett had outgrown his pants also ($7.99). Since they are hitting off the tee for practice now we figured the two baseballs Garrett had was probably on the low side, so add in a couple more baseballs ($7). While we thought we were doing pretty good and buying stuff on sale, it still added up plenty. Thankfully they were okay in the bat and glove department. Crazy how you can buy stuff "on sale" and end up dropping $150. Ouch. The only thing which made me feel better was looking at the prices of some of the bats. Looks like some people spend twice as much as we spent tonight just to buy one bat. Dang.
On the flipside: The kids are active. They are not running the streets. They have an interest in extracurricular activities. They are not vegging out on the couch becoming sloths. It could always be worse. Just wasn't expecting the total we had at the register. lmao