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What's your gameplan for this weekend?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Can't hunt saturday, really burns my biscuit, but huntin all day sunday with the muzzy for youth season.
goodluck to all hunting this weekend


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Going to try to get out tomorrow night with the decoy again. I am BLOOD THIRSTY! Doe/buck, I don't care. I need to burn my doe tag before the 28th anyway. Just haven't had any clean shot opportunities this year. I have hunted 18 times and only been skunked 3. Not bad stats, but I have nothing on the board yet. I need to kill something besides time. Plus my freezer is getting low, and I need to top it off. I get it full, I am willing to eat a buck tag waiting on the right one. I don't care as much about eating it. I have passed on several small bucks this year. Heck the only shot opportunities I have had this year have been yearlings and scrub bucks.


*Supporting Member*
I haven't been in the woods for two days, besides checking a few snares. So I'm heading out soon to do some still hunting/scouting. I want to check a few trails I haven't hunted this year for fresh tracks since the rain. In other words I'm trying to decided where to set up for the youth hunt with my son.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
This will be the first year since they started to youth deer hunt I won't have a kid to take. Couldn't even find one to borrow.

I think I'll be in a stand in a funnel between 2 patches of woods, I have 2 places like that and am just trying to decide which one would be better.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This will be the first year since they started to youth deer hunt I won't have a kid to take. Couldn't even find one to borrow.

I think I'll be in a stand in a funnel between 2 patches of woods, I have 2 places like that and am just trying to decide which one would be better.

Soon enough it'll be GRANDKIDS sammy...someday....;)


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
We were so, so close last night it was ridiculous! We settled into the stand around 4:30 thanks to Tracie taking so long to get ready. (Go figure right?!?) I wanted to hand a set, but didn't have time and it cost us! At 4:57, I looked to the west and I said: "At 5:15, they will come from that direction. I'll see them, then you can stand up and get ready to shoot out this window."

One Mississippi

Two Mississippi

Three Mississippi...

"Shit. They're right there!" :smiley_crazy:

So I got her up and in position and the fun began. The wind was swirling like crazy and the lead doe was super cautious. She'd started towards the food plot, then turned back no less than four times before committing. She worked to 18 yards, then stopped behind a tree to survey the food plot. Tracie could see her and had tension on the string when: "Zing...ting...ting...whirl...zing" Yep, the damn feeder went off and scared the hell out of an already keyed up doe! I knew I should have turned it off when we got in the stand!

We waited 15 minutes, then climbed out to pick a tree and cut another lane so we had a better shot to the food plot from the platform blind. As I was breaking branches, Tracie yells "LOOK!" I turned to see a nice 120" 8-point 25 yards from us not paying a bit of attention. We quickly got behind a tree and I whipped out the grunt call. I ended up grunting that deer to within 30 yards, but it was too dark, brushy, and far for a shot. Still a cool encounter.

We'll be back tonight and I'll have a stand hung to kill this doe. Oh, and I'll have the feeder turned off!!!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
We were so, so close last night it was ridiculous! We settled into the stand around 4:30 thanks to Tracie taking so long to get ready. (Go figure right?!?) I wanted to hand a set, but didn't have time and it cost us! At 4:57, I looked to the west and I said: "At 5:15, they will come from that direction. I'll see them, then you can stand up and get ready to shoot out this window."

One Mississippi

Two Mississippi

Three Mississippi...

"Shit. They're right there!" :smiley_crazy:

So I got her up and in position and the fun began. The wind was swirling like crazy and the lead doe was super cautious. She'd started towards the food plot, then turned back no less than four times before committing. She worked to 18 yards, then stopped behind a tree to survey the food plot. Tracie could see her and had tension on the string when: "Zing...ting...ting...whirl...zing" Yep, the damn feeder went off and scared the hell out of an already keyed up doe! I knew I should have turned it off when we got in the stand!

We waited 15 minutes, then climbed out to pick a tree and cut another lane so we had a better shot to the food plot from the platform blind. As I was breaking branches, Tracie yells "LOOK!" I turned to see a nice 120" 8-point 25 yards from us not paying a bit of attention. We quickly got behind a tree and I whipped out the grunt call. I ended up grunting that deer to within 30 yards, but it was too dark, brushy, and far for a shot. Still a cool encounter.

We'll be back tonight and I'll have a stand hung to kill this doe. Oh, and I'll have the feeder turned off!!!

Get it done buddy! I hope Tracie sticks one tonight! Good luck to you guys!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hopefully I can cut a deal and put my wife in a new car by tonight... that way I don't have to dick with it this weekend. My thirst for blood is peaked right now and big bucks are on the move. (Oh yea, the does are in trouble too... bitches) I've GOT to hunt hard this weekend because after that I'll be screwed for hunting time until the extended gun weekend. I'm planning on hunting a ridge top saturday morning between two bedding areas, just downwind of a 3/4 acre oat plot. Hopefully Saturday evening I'm caping out ol' mossy horns instead of hunting. ;)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hopefully I can cut a deal and put my wife in a new car by tonight... that way I don't have to dick with it this weekend. My thirst for blood is peaked right now and big bucks are on the move. (Oh yea, the does are in trouble too... bitches) I've GOT to hunt hard this weekend because after that I'll be screwed for hunting time until the extended gun weekend. I'm planning on hunting a ridge top saturday morning between two bedding areas, just downwind of a 3/4 acre oat plot. Hopefully Saturday evening I'm caping out ol' mossy horns instead of hunting. ;)

Got a call from the Psychic Friends Network.....they said there is definitely bone in JB's immediate future. (then they said something about vaseline and cheetos and a toilet bowl, whatever that means). GOOD LUCK JB! ;);)


Senior Member
Watched a doe last week almost come out of her skin when a feeder went off. Rather funny at the time. I think I will be in my "traffic" blind, hoping to catch a buck looking, or one pushed from the neighboring property.

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Today would have been a good day to cure the bloodthirstiness. Cold, no wind, and the pressure is just right.



Junior Member
Maumee, OH
my weekend plans start tonight.
Friday evening - try to pin point my 10 point buck. he came out under my other stand Wed. night.
Sat morning - try to get my cousin his first deer kill. sit till about noon. ( or my 10 point buck)
Sun morning - duck hunting on the lake

I really want to drop that 10 point tonight before bullets start flying that him this weekend. I wish I had some trail pics of him, but I don't. I have seen him 4 times now, but I is always 60 plus yards away.

Good luck to everyone hunting this weekend, great luck to all of the youth hunting and all that are taking the time to hunt with them!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hitting the "refresh" tab.

Sad for you, but that was funny for me, Jim.

My plan is to meet up with Bowhunter57 and borrow his doe decoy! Heading out in the morning to a stand I hung yesterday. Saw one in there across the field, nothing but antlers moving around in there. Glassed him this morning from the Jeep chasing a doe around the same two fields. My stand is hung on a fence row separating the two fields! Where do you think the decoy is going? Maybe there happens to be an opening in the fence row wide enough for some goofball's tractor/mower to fit through there. Maybe there happens to be a scrape on either side of the opening which might be 10-15yds from where some goofball's stand is hanging. hmmmm:smiley_chinrub:
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*Supporting Member*
Hey badg is the son bloodthirsty?

Good luck to all who are guiding youthhunters! That's a great thing.

Yes he is Dan, that young doe just made it worse!

I had plans of getting traps out and changed them plans cause I was supposed to go back to work Monday. So I figured I would concentrate on deer hunting with Zach. Since I made that decision two things have changed. I don't have to work next week and Zach can't hunt Saturday as he has Honors Band, I forgot all about it. We will still be hunting Sunday but I'm getting some traps set tomorrow, and maybe getting in my bow stand tomorrow night. After Sunday I'll be giving the deer a break and trying to catch some fur.