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Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
Here are some patterns from yesterday. I am stoked to say the least. Most experts say one needs a minimum of 100 hits in a 10" circle.

12ga benelli M1 hevi-13 #7's SSX choke ---- 325 hits inside a 10" circle at 40

20ga 870 federal hw #7's SSX choke ----200 hits hits inside a 10" circle at 40

No doubt these two guns would be a nightmare to a turkey. The hevi shot 7's hit like #6 lead and the federal 7's hit like #5 lead.


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Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
Yeah I was excited to see the numbers once I drew the circle and did the counts. The little 20ga isn't bad either with 200 hits. Either gun will give a bird a headache out to 40+ yards. 20 yards and in there won't be much room for error LOL.

I've shot lead 4s, 5's and 6's and nothing compares to the density of the HTL 7's


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yeah I was excited to see the numbers once I drew the circle and did the counts. The little 20ga isn't bad either with 200 hits. Either gun will give a bird a headache out to 40+ yards. 20 yards and in there won't be much room for error LOL.

I've shot lead 4s, 5's and 6's and nothing compares to the density of the HTL 7's

I made the switch to hevi13 last season and I've since vowed to never shoot anything else for turks. The performance is unbelievable. I pancaked a jake with it last spring at about 50 yds, and he never even flopped.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
This is a pattern I shot in 2007, the year I bought a turkey choke tube (HS Undertaker) and my first box of turkey shells (3" Remington Nitro #4's). Shot a jake a few weeks later during youth season at a few yards. Shot a tom the following year at 30 yards.

turkey pattern.jpg

Needless to say, it's not anything close to 100 pellets in a 10" circle. I realize that I really didn't have a clue of what I was doing and when I get into turkey hunting again (can't hunt this year), I'll have to repattern and look into different ammo. #7's seem so small, but that tight of a pattern would no doubt do damage to a bird. What I have works now, but I'd love to do it again now that I know a little bit more about life...


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
This is a pattern I shot in 2007, the year I bought a turkey choke tube (HS Undertaker) and my first box of turkey shells (3" Remington Nitro #4's). Shot a jake a few weeks later during youth season at a few yards. Shot a tom the following year at 30 yards.

View attachment 6345

Needless to say, it's not anything close to 100 pellets in a 10" circle. I realize that I really didn't have a clue of what I was doing and when I get into turkey hunting again (can't hunt this year), I'll have to repattern and look into different ammo. #7's seem so small, but that tight of a pattern would no doubt do damage to a bird. What I have works now, but I'd love to do it again now that I know a little bit more about life...

The #7 Heavier than lead loads (HTL) hit like #6 or #5 lead. Therefore, you throw more pellets, but they hit similar to lead one to two sizes bigger. I have read #7 hevi shot hits like #6 lead where #7 federal heavy weights hit like #5 lead.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
The #7 Heavier than lead loads (HTL) hit like #6 or #5 lead. Therefore, you throw more pellets, but they hit similar to lead one to two sizes bigger. I have read #7 hevi shot hits like #6 lead where #7 federal heavy weights hit like #5 lead.

Not that I'm overly concerned about this, but I figure and old timer would say that that's more pellets to pick out. I'll for sure look at patterning the heavier loads next time around!


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
Not that I'm overly concerned about this, but I figure and old timer would say that that's more pellets to pick out. I'll for sure look at patterning the heavier loads next time around!

If you aim for their heads you should not have too many to pick out. Frankly, I could careless about that....A dead bird is a dead bird. Common sense tells you the more shot you throw down range the better chance you have at hitting the bird in the vital area (head/neck). After saying that, if I was using lead I would not even think about using anything smaller than 6 lead. However, due to the weight of the HTL loads you can get by with going smaller and still retaining energy down range.

The HTL loads pattern much better than lead loads in my experiences. I have shot two birds since switching over to HTL 7's (both 30 yards and under) with my 20ga and none of them even flopped.


Junior Member
Those are amazing results! I have found the best patterning for me comes with a HeviShot turkey tube and Hevi-13 #6. At 50+ yards there is no way a Tom will survive if I do my part. I also patterned HeviShot Magnum Blend and it patterned well but not quite as good as the Hev-13.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Those are amazing results! I have found the best patterning for me comes with a HeviShot turkey tube and Hevi-13 #6. At 50+ yards there is no way a Tom will survive if I do my part. I also patterned HeviShot Magnum Blend and it patterned well but not quite as good as the Hev-13.

The Hevi-13 is indeed amazing. I don't think I'll ever shoot anything else at turkeys...


*Supporting Member*
I might try that stuff once I run out of my current shells. I have been shooting Winchester High Density High Velocity 3.5" number 5's . It makes stuff dead. But most of the birds I have killed with it have been under 30 yds. At that range they're dead no matter what you shoot .


*Supporting Member*
Darron doesn't like anyone. Pretty sure him and his significant other had a baby this fall . Could have something to do wif it .


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
The HTL loads pattern much better than lead loads in my experiences. I have shot two birds since switching over to HTL 7's (both 30 yards and under) with my 20ga and none of them even flopped.

I call Bullsh**!

I seen them flop with no head!:smiley_chinrub:
I guess what Im getting at is the shot your using has nothing to do with the fact that they flop after you shoot them or not.


*Supporting Member*
On aholdrens subject.......Imo the turkeys you flat out destroy and jellyhead are the ones that flop the most. The ones that just get a couple pellets die quieter. Also if you don't touch em they die quieter . Leave em lay. Usually they lay quiet after the initial flopping . After a few minutes they usually flop again. Pic em up after the 2nd flopping session unless you like punctured hands or a bloody nose front a wing butt...lol.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
On aholdrens subject.......Imo the turkeys you flat out destroy and jellyhead are the ones that flop the most. The ones that just get a couple pellets die quieter. Also if you don't touch em they die quieter . Leave em lay. Usually they lay quiet after the initial flopping . After a few minutes they usually flop again. Pic em up after the 2nd flopping session unless you like punctured hands or a bloody nose front a wing butt...lol.

I just step on their head till they quit. Two years ago Alex shot Jake and I scooped him up. Turns out it was just dazed. We have permission on the property but we were maybe 60 yards off the backyard of this subdivision. Alex shot and I ran out there and grab the bird like under my arm like a Heisman Trophy. I grabbed his legs and his body under my arm with his wings folded. He's trying to flop and everything and about 50 yards later I feel something on my chest. I looked down and this turkey is looking up at me with his mouth open pecking my chest. I put him down and look around for something to bash him in the head with but the only thing was a rock about big as a bar of soap. Alex is yelling at me to hurry up and what the hell are you doing. Later he said it looked like I was Judy chopping a turkey. After realizing this rock wasn't working because he was bobbing and weaving so I stepped on his head and squished it. So we're off to the races again getting out of Dodge. The turkey really is dead this time and is flopping. But through the bushes I see this mushroom that I had to of been 9 inches tall. I crawled on my hands and knees do the bushes with this still flopping turkey to pick this damn mushroom. I looked around and there was like 20 more of them. Alex is yelling at me again about what the hell am I doing I'm screaming back there's mushrooms everywhere. The turkey is flopping like crazy, I'm trying to fit these mushrooms in my vest without destroying them. Alex yelled at me to leave them. I yelled back that I would leave this stupid Jake before these mushrooms. I finally get all the mushrooms picked get the turkey back under control and we're off to the races again.

I'll look for the picture when I get home maybe Alex has it and sees this before I get a chance


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
Great story Joe. Carpn I totally agree. I used to pick them up by the neck and spin them in a circle to break there neck if I thought they had any life left in them but anymore I just leave them flop. Ive seen less dominate birds jump on them and pick at them while they flop.