Senior Member
I've always wanted to coach and set the goal a few years back to be the head coach at my HS before I was 40 and this is a step in that direction.
When you grow too old to play: Coach. It's the next best thing.
I've always wanted to coach and set the goal a few years back to be the head coach at my HS before I was 40 and this is a step in that direction.
When you grow too old to play: Coach. It's the next best thing.
Taking the boys out shed hunting now. TOO good!
Aww, that's sad.
This one is a 10 week old female poodle.
I had a poodle mix mutt about 30 years ago. He was TOO smart for his own good, even learned to actually climb the links in the chain link fence to chase all of the females in town.
One of my friends called me when she got home from work and was mad as all get out. Seems her big female dog was in heat and he had climbed our fence, went about 2 miles to her house, climbed their fence and then stood on their porch while she backed up, so he could reach her. When my friend arrived home, there they were. Boy, she was pissed.
Anyway, this dog would play hide and seek. As soon as you said those words, (while holding him) he would go nuts. Once you let him loose, he would search all over the house. He would jump in and out of the bathtub, on the beds, under the beds and behind doors until he found you.
We always wanted to put him on the Letterman show for stupid animal tricks, but just knew that after he did his hide and seek bit, he'd be humping Letterman's leg!
He was a comical dog.
two more days of work and then the family and I are loading up and heading to the land of the gators for solid week. After the past few months of absolute crazyness at work this vacation is going to hit the spot.
Planning on hooking up with Willy while down there and wetting a line. Can't wait.
two more days of work and then the family and I are loading up and heading to the land of the gators for solid week. After the past few months of absolute crazyness at work this vacation is going to hit the spot.
Planning on hooking up with Willy while down there and wetting a line. Can't wait.