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The Wussification of America


Senior Member
"No child left behind." Wussification of America. I am witnessing it firsthand.

Ah yes, my wife teaches 5th grade and inherits kids every year that can't read. All stems from your upbringing and home life.

My daughter who's in 2nd grade just got tested on reading. She's been reading since preschool on her own, tested out at Grade level 4.2. She's now in the excelled classes. Guess she inherited my infinite wisdom or has 2 college educated parents that actually "care". I hope to use her 529 plan for my historic hunting adventure of all time.
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Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Wow Mike, Wuss up? Great thread! Just goes to show how this Country has regressed in NOT putting God first. Then Family 2nd, and our Country has suffered for it! TOO many people with their hands out, wanting something for nothing! I could go on and on but we all have crap that goes on all around us on a daily basis. Just sad TOO see it happen!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ah yes, my wife teaches 5th grade and inherits kids every year that can't read. All stems from your upbringing and home life.

My daughter who's in 2nd grade just got tested on reading. She's been reading since preschool on her own, tested out at Grade level 4.2. She's now in the excelled classes.
Guess she inherited my infinite wisdom or has 2 college educated parents that actually "care". I hope to use her 529 plan for my historic hunting adventure of all time.

Good on you guys for actually caring about your children. Remember when I was growing up, it wasn't an option. Sure, there were always some parents that seemed MIA, but for the most part the parents were there for the kids and cared. Showed up at extra curricular activities, parent/teacher meetings, and weren't afraid to dish out a spanking in public if needed. Your daughter sounds like she is on pace with where our daughter was. Graci is now in 5th grade and reading at a 12th grade level. Not sure on the accuracy of this statistic, but I recently heard the average reading level of high school graduates is around 8th grade proficiency. Truly sad. Maybe we can get Geoffrey to this level if we keep riding his butt. In all fairness, he does have some "mental disadvantages", but I also believe they have been magnified by the situation he grew up in during his early years.

Sam- Thanks for sharing. Great story. I feel the same. In our line of work, I want someone with work ethic, common sense, and honesty. Sure helps if they can read though. lol

Wussification of America: A family of 4 making under $45000 gets every penny back they have contributed to federal taxes. Really? I have had years where we didn't make that much. We still had multiple vehicles, our own house, multiple TV's, cable, internet, and didn't go hungry. I am insulted by this.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
The fear of not differentiating kills me. Without rewarding hard work that leads to success you will completely destroy the competitive drive of the "A" players. Doesn't matter if this is sports, school, work, etc.

It doesn't take long for someone to realize that busting their ass isn't yielding any benefit and therefore their output (effort and results) reduces over time. What fires me up about this is all good leaders are competitors who want to win. Removing the competitive drive from kids is creating a generation that will lack in leadership. You need strong, competitive leaders in Business, Politics, Communities, Sports, everything.
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
My daughter who's in 2nd grade just got tested on reading. She's been reading since preschool on her own, tested out at Grade level 4.2. She's now in the excelled classes. Guess she inherited my infinite wisdom or has 2 college educated parents that actually "care". I hope to use her 529 plan for my historic hunting adventure of all time.

Ditto for my son. Had his parent teacher conference last night and he's also at a 4th grade level. couldn't be prouder of what the teacher had to say. Hopefully his little sister follows his footsteps as well. We push our kids, challenge them, and have high expectations. We too hope that they never need to touch their 529's then Mama & I will have a nice vacation!!


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
The fear of not differentiating kills me. Without rewarding hard work that leads to success you will completely destroy the competitive drive of the "A" players. Doesn't matter if this is sports, school, work, etc.

It doesn't take long for someone to realize that busting their ass isn't yielding any benefit and therefore their output (effort and results) reduces over time. What fires me up about this is all good leaders are competitors who want to win. Removing the competitive drive from kids is creating a generation that will lack in leadership. You need strong, competitive leaders in Business, Politics, Communities, Sports, everything.
Very well said Ryan! Couldn't have said it any better myself.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here's some political correctness crap from back in '98 -
I was working in Detroit as a trainer/supervisor in a new sales call center - we were hiring salespeople right and left, young college grads mostly.
One day 3 of the women there confronted me with a complaint - they insisted that I stop addressing them as "Ma'am".
Serious as hell - they felt offended by "Yes ma'am" and "No ma'am", because they said that was how you address an older woman and they weren't old ladies.
And HR tells me I should stop (probably because of all the other politically-incorrect shit I said...oops...I was always in the hotseat :smiley_depressive:)

I really tried to look at it from their side, but just couldn't see it. They will forever be dumb selfish bitches as far as I'm concerned.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Thats the only thing i hate about coaching.....well besides parents who think their kids are better than what they really are.

Why is my kid in the game only the min. Amount of time.....uhhh cause your kid sucks! How about you spend some tkme throwing a ball or shooting hoops in the driveway instead of sending him off to play video games so they arent "bothering" you...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Much longer rant coming but we are pushed/nudged/taught to accept mediocrity.

- Trophies for all
- Success = Evil
- Alternative lifestyles shoved down our throats and held up
- Religion is looked down upon
- Self reliance is lost

If you speak up for anything that used to mean something in todays America you are either a bigot, racist or my favorite of these Socialists is that I am "not with the times". Respect, honesty, grace and morals are a timeless grouping. They can kiss my ass (working on the grace aspect ;) ).
I can think of numerous examples of what I consider "The Wussification of America".

Little league and other youth sports- No score keeping. Everyone gets a trophy. Guess what kids? That isn't how life works. Someone HAS to lose. Why are we painting an unrealistic picture for our kids? I feel it is equally important to teach our kids to be good winners AND good losers. You know what happened when we lost a game? We worked harder!

I will stop there. I don't have time to get fired up today. Good topic though. This should end up being a mile long thread. Plenty of crap taking place in this country to wussy it up.

Yep my boys played soccer one year, they couldn't both play forward cause they would smoke the.other teams on their own. Parents were complaining etc. My kids are active and have great coordination, I'm sorry 2nd place is the 1st losers and don't get mad at my genetics cause your kids have 2 left feet


The Crew
The days of blaming the parents are over, once the liberal teaching ciriculum is introduced it undemines all parent control and ideals. Examples of anti religion and immorallity abounds. No fault or accountability for an individuals actions. Yes you can still be htrown in prison but the death penalty can be null and void because of the blame being put on everything else except the individual. Society creates and excuses. Parents look and wonder what happened.

Read a story about an old man who shot an intruder entering his house. Kilt the SOB. The intruder had seen jail time for various offences including robbery and home invasion. The Mother and another family member said the old man should have just fired a warning shot to let the intruder know he had a gun. LMAO
The incident happened in Texas, all law abiding citizens have a gun. To me it was a warning shot the next home invader may think twice.

Just wait until they legalize drugs.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Just wait until they legalize drugs.

It's coming. Especially since some states are starting to put forth legislation that would make somebody receiving gov't assistance have to pass a drug test. We can't lose those potential votes from the societal leaches. Drug testing will then be illegal since drugs will be legal. Up is down. Wrong is right. We're all racist & bigots.