Ah yes, my wife teaches 5th grade and inherits kids every year that can't read. All stems from your upbringing and home life.
My daughter who's in 2nd grade just got tested on reading. She's been reading since preschool on her own, tested out at Grade level 4.2. She's now in the excelled classes. Guess she inherited my infinite wisdom or has 2 college educated parents that actually "care". I hope to use her 529 plan for my historic hunting adventure of all time.
Good on you guys for actually caring about your children. Remember when I was growing up, it wasn't an option. Sure, there were always some parents that seemed MIA, but for the most part the parents were there for the kids and cared. Showed up at extra curricular activities, parent/teacher meetings, and weren't afraid to dish out a spanking in public if needed. Your daughter sounds like she is on pace with where our daughter was. Graci is now in 5th grade and reading at a 12th grade level. Not sure on the accuracy of this statistic, but I recently heard the average reading level of high school graduates is around 8th grade proficiency. Truly sad. Maybe we can get Geoffrey to this level if we keep riding his butt. In all fairness, he does have some "mental disadvantages", but I also believe they have been magnified by the situation he grew up in during his early years.
Sam- Thanks for sharing. Great story. I feel the same. In our line of work, I want someone with work ethic, common sense, and honesty. Sure helps if they can read though. lol
Wussification of America: A family of 4 making under $45000 gets every penny back they have contributed to federal taxes. Really? I have had years where we didn't make that much. We still had multiple vehicles, our own house, multiple TV's, cable, internet, and didn't go hungry. I am insulted by this.