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New or Weathered?

Latest and Greatest or Weathered?

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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I was chatting w/ a member last night and gear came up so here is my poll;

Money aside. regarding all aspects; hunting, fishing and camping or outdoors recreation.

Are you the type of person that has to have the "latest and greatest" gear each year or are you the type that will wear it out before replacing or upgrading an item.

For me, although I enjoy a new toy as much as the next guy, I will usually wear my gear out, then whine I can't find another exactly like the 2,5,10 or 20 year old item before settling down to researching then replacing the item.

So. What type are you?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
New and weathered.
Problem I have is sometimes I buy cheap stuff, and yeah it's ok, but I want something better.
So then I go get the better thing too.
But my pack was a $19 walmart job and I swear I'll keep using it till it falls apart.
Or if I see something I want, I wonder "can i make something like that myself?"


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I like my old gear. I know it's limits very well since I have had it all for so long. I could get to anything I need even in the pitch black darkness. I have the same bow I bought 11-12 years ago and the arrows I use are a little older then that even. I put my arrows in the same spot in my hip quiver year after year and know without looking where they are. I have confidence in my gear because it has been tested and proven to work for ME. I may replace things from time to time that wear out but, for the most part all my stuff has been the same for MANY a season.

I'm not saying I would NEVER get a newer bow or try different arrows or some other piece of equipment but, I get a since of accomplishment out of doing it year after year with my OLD gear :D. I might even take the 45# recurve on a few early season doe outings this year lol.


Tatonka guide.
I'm an investment shopper...i buy 2-3 year old bows when the new has worn off and the prices come down to a reflipable rate..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I am an in between guy. I like nice stuff, but don't like to pay new prices. I bought my bow last year as a new left over 08 model. Bought it right, fits me well, saved some money. New factory warranty from the dealer. I like to buy my gear at Rocky or one of the bargain bins at Bass Pro/Cabelas. Same with trucks and equipment. I still buy socks and underwear new though.:biggrin:


Removed by Request.
I'm the: if it isn't broke don't fix it - they don't make stuff like they used to - my bow still kills deer - I can trust my old equipment type of guy.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Today 12:51 AMswantucky
All my shit looks like it came from Goodwill. I could give two fucks, I kill some deerz despite being a fucktard.

Wow, having a bad day?

I took the havent been at it long enough choice

but knowing how I am, I can tell you for sure that i will be the guy that wears his stuff till it falls apart. I wear boots to work that have holes in the sole because they are comfortable and i dont want to buy new ones.

youve seen the ad for predator camo where the guy is in the tree with a leafy suit and another dude is on the ground with the faded stuff on... I'd be the guy wearing the faded out stuff. I might even go so far as to take a sharpie and draw some tree limbs on it to give it some contrast.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Wow, having a bad day?

I took the havent been at it long enough choice

but knowing how I am, I can tell you for sure that i will be the guy that wears his stuff till it falls apart. I wear boots to work that have holes in the sole because they are comfortable and i dont want to buy new ones.

youve seen the ad for predator camo where the guy is in the tree with a leafy suit and another dude is on the ground with the faded stuff on... I'd be the guy wearing the faded out stuff. I might even go so far as to take a sharpie and draw some tree limbs on it to give it some contrast.

Nope.. That's just Swanny... :).. We were shooting last year and I looked over at his 1993 bow and noticed something amiss.. We'll..... Let me narrow that down, as i initially noticed many things amiss. But one thing particular caught my eye.. Shiny, in all it's glory, Duct Tape on the sight! Yep.. I had to ask... He said it broke because he bent it back and forth too much.... I had to ask.. "Bending it back and forth?" "Yah, i don't need no alen wrench, i just bend the fucker..." Ok... :smiley_chinrub: maybe i didn't need to ask... But i tell ya what.. He held his own on the 3d course.. He's right.. He just killz shit..


*Supporting Member*
For me it depends on the gear. It'd always be nice to have a newer bow or a better set of binocs, but I like to have some history with some gear. It's good to have a knife that's field dressed some deer or some lucky camo that you were wearing when you had an encounter with a big pig you've been chasing. I like finding an old hand warmer in my pocket from when I was waiting for the big boy from the year before. It makes this year's chase mean a little more.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
So long as the gear serves its purpose I am good with it. If I learn of something new that maybe cuts the wind, keeps you warmer/dryer and is a quieter material...then maybe my older stuff doesn't serve the purpose any more.