So they sued a landowner who must have believed he owned the mineral rights? I realize he should have been more careful with deed investigation before buying the place. But damn.
Fuck a ruling. If that happened to me good luck with a well. My first statement would have been "Not only will you not see a dime from this well, you better have your fire insurance paid up at home"
So they sued a landowner who must have believed he owned the mineral rights? I realize he should have been more careful with deed investigation before buying the place. But damn.
Fuck a ruling. If that happened to me good luck with a well. My first statement would have been "Not only will you not see a dime from this well, you better have your fire insurance paid up at home"
Not sure what you are getting at. I'm nost sure who the "they" and the "he" are?
My stepfather owned some land, he sold off the surface rights in the '80's. As someone in the mining business he deeded the mineral rights to himself. One of the surface owners tried to sue him for the rights to the mineral under the dormant minerals act. Dude only purchsed the surface rights and knew it. Tried to get something for nothing by using the leagal system.
Nope....lawyers are getting rich that's for sure. Seems every sitting judge is interprutting the dormant minerals act differently.
I agree..the ohio supreme court will decide it here shortly i think. The dormant rights act is pretty clear so im not sure why or how they are doing that. I think there is an issue between the first dmra and the one we have now. The way i have read it is the first one did not require a notification provision like the current one does. The ohio supreme court will intervene soon i imagine.
Not sure what you are getting at. I'm nost sure who the "they" and the "he" are?
My stepfather owned some land, he sold off the surface rights in the '80's. As someone in the mining business he deeded the mineral rights to himself. One of the surface owners tried to sue him for the rights to the mineral under the dormant minerals act. Dude only purchsed the surface rights and knew it. Tried to get something for nothing by using the leagal system.
Not sure what you are getting at. I'm nost sure who the "they" and the "he" are?
My stepfather owned some land, he sold off the surface rights in the '80's. As someone in the mining business he deeded the mineral rights to himself. One of the surface owners tried to sue him for the rights to the mineral under the dormant minerals act. Dude only purchsed the surface rights and knew it. Tried to get something for nothing by using the leagal system.
I think they should pay taxes on the mineral rights. its ground/land just like the surface owners has to pay...if they write it out of single ownership they should have to pay something for it.Why anyone would buy a piece of land without mineral rights is beyond me. I can't fathom why someone would buy surface rights and allow someone else to have say over what happens under them. The sad fact of the matter is if we think it's complicated now just wait 15 years. Imagine the mess and pain in the ass all of this is going to create 15 years after this Shale land rush calms down. It's already becoming increasingly hard to find land for sale with both mineral and surface. Either mineral has been long gone or jed clampet only wants to sell surface thinking he's gonna be a millionaire someday. IMO it goes right along with the same mindset of people selling land valued at 5,000 an acre then they timber it and still want 5,000 an acre. Personally I would like to see them make Ohio a all or nothing state where a person owns from the surface to the core but can lease mineral.
In numerous states, including Ohio, you can sell the air space above your property until a certain distance, the that is public air space.
Minerals and timber aren't the only assets that can be reserved.
In WV, you do pay separate taxes. As for buying it, take Hippie Ridge for example. With minerals, $4,500 an acre and the current owner just signed what may likely be the only leased ever signed on that ground. Without, $1,600 an acre. How deep are your pockets and how bad do you want land?
Precisely my point. Jed clampet wants to retain mineral the end result will be we'll be lucky to find a piece of ground in 15 years that You actually own outright.
Precisely my point. Jed clampet wants to retain mineral the end result will be we'll be lucky to find a piece of ground in 15 years that You actually own outright.