If I remember, the next time I go to Dad's I'll have to snap some pics of our collection. We have 6 nice cases framed on the wall and a couple on the ground with our best stuff. We have ceremeonial pieces, hunting projectiles, war projectiles, and lots of everyday tools they used such as axes, scrapers large and small, tomahawks, etc. Maybe one of my favorites is one day Dad and I were looking and he found an oval stone with indentation in it where you could tell they ground stuff in it. Only a couple feet away layed the same kind of stone that was oblong and fit the hand perfectly to grind herbs and whatnot into the other stone. It actually sits upright into the other stone perfectly. I always imagined those 2 pieces sitting together in there teepee or whatever they lived in while not in use. We've collected for as long as I can remember and I'm 34 years old. Up here in the flatlands there are a ton of good areas. If you can notice the most subtle rise in elevation within a mile of a creek then chances are you'll find artifacts. Right now is a good time to get out and look. I cant count how many pieces I've found during gun season just walking across plowed fields. As time passes though they do get harder to find due to more rotting of stalks and weeds adding to the soil depth