Senior Member
Nice ATL pic Ron! Year old shed and a fresh turd. Perfect!
Note to Ron: Solid turd + plus shed= Buck Bed
Nice ATL pic Ron! Year old shed and a fresh turd. Perfect!
IMO Phil, their related but not from the same buck.
Note to Ron: Solid turd + plus shed= Buck Bed
Note to Ron: Solid turd + plus shed= Buck Bed
Haha, no doubt! I think I saw the turd, before the shed. Lol.
You can say that again....lol
Ric, In case you haven't noticed Ron likes to hear himself talk. rotflmao
Shut it you and your vast knowledge ruin people's hopes and dreams lol jk, I agree, I was intrigued by pic 2 but the peds say it all
You guys are our elders lol I respect your opinions a lot, everyone learns from exp as well as others around them, hell I wouldn't know half of what I know if it wasn't from growing up with a father that hunted, but I believe my knowledge has surpassed him from studies, and lots of reading, and having friends like the TOO family
Well said Phil.... I learn something every day of my life. TOO, is a wealth of knowledge on many different topics. Ric and I, just try to give insight on things we've seen through the years on sheds and help a fellow TOOZERS out. I hope to meet a lot of you guys and gal. Lol. Good luck to all.100% agreed. There are opinions I value more than others. When it comes to sheds, I place high value on Ric/Ron's opinions. When it comes to customizing Jeeps and such, i will get ahold of Dennis. If I want to know of govt conspiracy I ask Been. If I want to be insulted, talked down to, and made to look like an idiot, I contact Buckmaster. If I am truly stumped on a question I consult the wisest man I know: Dannmann. If I want someone to babble on off topic, I look in the mirror. lmao
Where are his sheds?