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As my wife says...Gun Porn!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
A broken antler. It from my one son's first deer. It was a busted up buck, right side snapped off at 6" and left with some broken tines.

Oooo. I see. I must have lost my depth perception there. It kinda looked like a "skin" of some sort.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Thanks. It had many years of crud inside. Took me a bit to find the manual on how to field strip it...
The shots are a little grainy from the old camera.

The barrel and spring go into the slide "kinda like a 1911 but it ends there.
Note how the hammer assembly is like a round key.

It slides into the rear of the slide 90 degrees or on its side.\

Once its seated all the way, I rotate the hammer assembly 90 degrees, counter clockwise to lock it into place.

After that, carry the slide foward. Check the action and I'm ready to go. Really a neat design for a gun made about 100 years ago.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Bought the GF a S&W Airweight 38 +p today. Nice little piece. She put about 50 rounds through it and was consistently in an 8 inch circle at 10 yards. I was surprised considering she's never shot much. Hicks told me it was surprisingly accurate. This is just one of those guns that fits a person and it fits her perfectly. Even loaded up some +P JHP and she banged all 5 out in a few seconds.

She doesn't have her ccw yet and we were just checking the purse for fit. Next step is to get her in a class.


Here is her 11 year old niece and 13 year old nephew shooting it. She fired about 20 rounds and managed the recoil very well.



Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Good stuff Joe!

Alyssa and I went to the range today as well. It was my first trip with her since she got her Walther PK380. Actually it was the first time just the 2 of us did something since who knows when.

Like Jessica, Alyssa shot real well. She too is looking at getting her CCW.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Those Walthers are nice guns, Ryan.

Hey Joe, what class is she going to take? Ask her if she wants to split a couple's rate with me...


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Nice little S&W revolver Joe. Please tell me you didnt buy her the coach purse too.

Uhhhh. No? lmao. Actually I did, but back in January. Not retail though, I got it at the coach outlet for $145. And before you bust my balls. Nice eye spotting a coach purse. lmao.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
They are surprisingly accurate. I am not talking rifle accurate, but for an inch and 7/8 barrel they will surprise you. I have shot junk stub nosed pistols before which were very errant in their patterns. Can't speak for all Airweights, but mine is fairly consistent. At self defense range they are adequate. Out to 20-30 yds they will surprise you. Not talking clover leafs, but respectable groups for a gun which has such a short barrel.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Charles, I have a buddy who owns a Nano and says it won't reliably shoot 115gr 9mm ammo, something about cycling reliability, is that true? I didn't believe it and didn't have time to research it but he only buys 124gr. I really liked the way that gun feels in my hand and looked to be very easy to conceal.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I shot 115 grain, low power loads out of it just fine. 106 rounds ran just fine. I bet he is limp wristing it as that is easier to happen since you have less grip on the gun. The heavier loads help keep that from happening.

Really accurate, comfortable and well put together. I still prefer Kahrs for the long smooth trigger and size. The Berettas trigger built up in weight and was kinda...um....er....spongy. Easily over came though. For pocketable pistols my list in order of the ones I have owned or shot are:

Tie Kahr and Springfield XDS (I wish these two would make babies)
Smith Shield
Beretta Nano
Ruger LCR
Ruger LCP
Kimber Solo
Kel-Tec PF9

All are serviceable...just a trigger/options/feeling thing for each individual. The Beretta is now my Dads carry gun as he didn't like the Kahr I bought him before. I preferred my Kahr...worked out well.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Good stuff Charles, he just heard that reading online and never tried any 115's out of it. I didn't figure a company as reputable as Beretta would make a gun that wouldn't cycle the most common grain in 9mm. Glad to hear!