Well I'm pretty much winding my shed season down as mentioned before but still plan on getting out scouting for turkey season and prep some turkey sets while keeping my eyes peeled for sheds.
I view my shed season as mildly good to slightly above average. I found 20 sheds total with one busted off tine from a fight a year ago. I got some much needed exercise and enjoyed just getting outdoors. I walked many miles for those 20 sheds and am just disappointed in the size of the majority of my finds.
Its always a great feeling to find "any" shed but every shed hunters dream is to find at least a few true "dandy" sized sheds in the mid to high 60's and up. That is where I have came up short and why I'm just rating this years haul as average to slightly above average.
Here are a few pics of my haul this year.
I'll still be out looking on scouting trips and will post any pics if I find anymore but I'm pretty much done and ready to move on.lol