The wife hit a big pothole. Bent the rim on our car. i knew we were going to be replacing the front tires this year, at about$150 apiece. But i wasnt planning on replacing a $450 rim. Just what we needed.
Its for an 09 pomtiac G6. This rim is out of production. Lokked for one at local yards, no dice. Only place I have been able to find one so far is at the dealership.
Search online. eBay or online junk yards. etc. has to be one cheaper.
can you post a picture of it? Might help if we can see it....
Was it in a parking lot by chance?
You may want to get a picture of the pothole plus one showing width and depth. Some counties I heard will help with replacement. May be worth checking into.
I just had to buy my wife a new rim cause of a pothole. She has bent all 4 and had all 4 replaced so far....