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Deer Hunter's Crying Towel


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
My #1 would be sapling also, I've done it twice in my deer hunting career lol... Once years ago and once at Ravenna about 5 years ago lol.... Doe broadside at 30 yards and a sapling about the size of a pencil got in the way... Amazing how something so small could reake so much havoc lol First one I had a doe beded 20 yards from me, instead of shooting it laying down I stomped my foot to get it moving well moving it did and ran about 70 yards in front of me broadside perfect shot.... Lined up with a mossy with open sights and squeezed the trigger and about half way between the doe and I a sapling just fell over dead..... man talk about one lucky doe lol....
i missed a deer once from wind

i farted and the wind blew it right to my buddy who was sitting on the log a few feet from me and it stunk so bad it made my buddy gag , i was laughing so hard from him gaggin that i didnt see the doe come in past us till it was to late, so i can blame that one on the wind


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Here is another good one for ya.

I was shaking because I was cold not because of the deer :smiley_clap: #1 in the deer fever list and one I have used in the past lol.

In my younger days before I got fat I did get cold a few times and couldn't steady the sights for a shot. I have also been bitten by deer fever a couple times as well. Those suck btw lol. I am glad I have overcome that issue. Now if I could just control the knee buckle after the shot rotflmao.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Grapevines! I swear that cost me my biggest buck.

That is the case for me. Not an excuse, just a rookie mistake and one that haunts me. I cannot be 100% certain, but I'm close to positive that I missed the buck my dad killed in 2004 that grossed 167" in 2003 when he would have been gross mid-150's.

Back in the day, the 10 acres my parents own was a fuggin' gold mine. (If I could travel back to 2000 with the knowledge and exquipment I have now, I have no doubts I'd have 3-4 more bucks on the wall. I learned TOO little, TOO late...) Anyways, there is a white oak flat that is situated between two thickets and I used to hunt the shit out of it. I walked in one morning in early November and climbed my favorite tree with my old API climber. I hadn't been in the stand more than 15 minutes when a huge 10-point came out of the thicket in front of me and worked in to the oak flat. It was probably shy of legal shooting light by 5 minutes, but a bright full moon still hung over head and I had no issues seeing the deer. What I couldn't see what the vine hanging about 6" down from his spine halfway between us. I settled the pin in behind his shoulders and let it rip when he stopped broadside at 25 yards only to hear one of the loudest "CRACKS" of my life. I learned right then and there why it is called ARCHery. It's a lesson that has haunted me for years as that buck was a legit OBB...


Senior Member
Last year durring gun season my uncle and I were working our way up a hill and we were glassing a Shelf on our way. There was a doe standing 80 yds away looking the other way. My uncle pulled his gun up and snap...the hammer went down and nothing happened..He put a new cap in and snap...nothing happened...He put a third cap in and nothing happened..I was laughing at this point while he's cussing at his gun. I take 2 steps up the hill to lay my Muzzy on the side of a tree. Just when I get my hammer back His gun finnaly goes off. The doe dropped. His excuse was his powder was wet.lol


Senior Member
Here's another one from last year. My dad and I were sitting in the brush one afternoon looking into our foodplot. After an hour wait a doe comes out. Instead of giving the 15 year old boy a chance to shoot he immedietly pulls his gun up and fires. We walk to where the deer was standing only to find a smalll pile of white hair. Apparently his bullet hit a piece of brush and it was deflected..He insured me that he doesn't ever miss..:smiley_depressive:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I put in some time maintaining the neighbor's lawn this year in exchange for exclusive rights for myself and one of my guys to hunt this year. Douche bags that hunted it last year hunted it anyway. That is another story. Anyway, I get my foreman onto some deer there this week. He had not yet hunted it. First sit he was skunked because there was someone else hunting the property line right where the deer bed. Second sit, he has two yearlings walk by him at 10 yds while he was ground hunting. Short while later, he has 5 come out of the bedding area. 40yd broadside shot at the biggest one and nothing! He didn't try to make excuses although he did throw one of these lines in there. He just said it matter of fact. "Either I hit some brush or I just plain missed. I don't know what happened." I guess fessing up to the fact we are human, I can respect a lot better than some of the tall tales we have posted in the above responses. I am hoping he can get his daughter onto her first deer today!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hunted Monday, Friday, Saturday and didn't see/kill any does. Watched one 10pt buck for 30mins on Monday but that was the only deer I laid eyes on in the field.

OK - here's my excuses for week1 of Gun Season 2010

1) I didn't shoot anything 'cause I didn't see anything.
2) Them deerz has changed their pattern when the rut started
3) I didn't see anything 'cause the farm I hunt was overrun with once-a-year wannabes who don't know nuttin about scent control or noise control or bladder control or any kinda anythin
4) I stuck to one spot 'cause I was skeered of getttin out and changin up cuz I didn't wanna git shot
5) I wuz up high and the deerz wuz stayin down low outta the wind
6) I found a copy of the Ohio Hunting Regs with the "season dates" page dog-eared and hoofprints on the cover.....them deerz knew when Gun season started
7) Gun Season started on a Monday - and everyone knows very little gets done on a Monday

In all seriousness, I heard a LOT less shooting in the areas I hunted this year than the last two. Can't believe I didn't see a single danged doe.