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Moundhills April 27th Tom


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Well I finished my year off with a bang this year! Ill do a write up later but I shot this guy at 11ish thismorning. The mossburg reached out 55 or so yards to take him.






Senior Member
Supporting Member
A buddy and i got to my turkey spot before daylight and got set up on the corner of a feild, where I shot my Wednesday jake. And once again, no gobbles on the roost. About an hour after fly down time we finally got some gobbles and got a few responding in the distance, but none were interested or wanted to commit. I had to drop m buddy off back at the house and I decided to eat some breakfast and go back out. I get to my other turkey spot around 9:50 and ended up running into another hunter. So, I went back to the same location as thismorning. I set up I the same spot, and once again no gobbles. So I did a little walking around and calling and still nothing. So I mosied back towards the corner of the feild and decided I was gonna sit there till noon. As I walking I was looking for morels on the trail side. When I approached the feild, I looked out to see 2 strutters and 3 other turkeys about 70 yards out. Instinctively I hit the ground hoping they didn't see me. I crawled to the closest tree and popped in my mouth call. After my first round of yelps, a hen started going bazurk. We wet back and forth and talked a little bit, while at the same time the strutters were hammering. It was an awsome awsome experience. All this time the turkeys were down in a saddle in the feild and I couldn't see them. Finally I see fans going in circles, then see 4 white heads pop up over the hill. All in a line and evenly spaced like they were in formation. The hen was off to the right still going crazy. As they got a little closer, I picked the biggest of the birds, buried my bead on the base of his neck and fired. Lights out! I ran up and expired him, then called around and sent out a few texts. It was an awsome hunt that ill never forget. He had a 10 1/2 beard, 1 1/8 spurs. I didn't weigh him though. All in all it's been an awsome memorable season!