My stepdaughter graduated from Zane State University with her associates degree in Administrative Office Assistant today. We are very proud of her. She worked very hard. The only parts that sucks is now she is officially unemployed. Haha. She is getting more resumes put together and continuing her job hunting Monday morning.
We are in the middle of a crazy weekend. My sister in law graduated today from Mt. Carmel nursing so we spent last night and today up there. Tomorrow we are having our little girls 1st birthday party! I did find some .22lr in Columbus however!
Congrats to Ricer and twireman on your kids. First birthday vs college graduate. Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum. Still both worthy of congratulations to both of you!
Ric- Goes without saying, but enjoy your mother's company! I know you will. Same goes to all of you spending time with the Moms in your lives.
Yea, just his story. Became a believer his senior year of high school. Talked a lot about handling the pressures of being a big time athlete...he had the highest gpa in the final 4 last year and would have had it again this year. In his words "med school isn't a bad backup plan". Very modest kid, funny. Sort of a dork, you get the impression that other than bible study all he does is play basketball and a do homework. Must be working with an obscene gpa and the playing position he is in!
So my son Garrett is in his first year of "kid pitch" baseball. Their team has been struggling to find a second and third pitcher. The last two games they have been getting run ruled by walking in 6 runs. It is painful to watch and makes for long and boring games. Tonight they went thru 3 pitchers. They had walked in 5 runs and the coach called time. Garrett has been yearning for a chance to pitch. The coach has never given him a shot. Even in the practices, I think he only gave him one chance and it was not many pitches.
So the coach is on the mound and looks to right center. He yells out "Hicks! Get up here!" Garrett looked nervous as heck. He was warming up with all eyes on him. The crowd had watched 17 straight batters in the last two innings and they were either walked or beaned. The warm up pitches were less than impressive. He was so nervous they were all over the place. He threw 3 or 4 pitches and they called the batter up. First pitch was a perfect strike and parents in the crowd for both teams cheered. It was a proud moment for me but a sad moment for the team when just throwing a strike gets both teams to cheer. Second pitch was another strike. Holy crap! My boy might just get a shot at pitching more this season just like every 3rd grade boy wants! Here comes the third pitch! Beaned him! Runner took his base which brought the 6th run in for the inning and Garrett was back in right center the next inning. lmao
Poor kid. I was proud though. Guess I better start working with him. We don't need speed. We just need a kid that can get it across the plate.
I know it is a pathetic story, but dangit I am proud.
Well well well ..... I came home from work tonight to find a UPS package with my name on it awaiting my arrival. I anxiously opened it up , then stood there a bit bewildered. It took a bit, but it all came back to me. It was my ammo order from Cabelas ! It's been so long since I've seen an unopened box of 22LR, that I forgot what it would look I ordered 500 rounds back in January when they had it on sale & they kept putting it on backorder. I knew this day would come, so I kept my cool & just waited.