Need some advice here, guys. I've been keeping my eyes open for vacant land for the past couple years, with the intention of buying and paying off before I'm ready to build. I'm currently paying for a small condo, which I plan to rent out when the time comes to build a new house. Well I've been drooling over a 10 acre parcel that I found a few months ago. I've been trying to call the owner to discuss it since then, and finally got through to him this afternoon.
At this point, the 10 acres is part of a 19 acre parcel, which would need to be surveyed and split when the time comes. According to county auditor records, the owner paid $45,000 for the 19 acres back in 2000. Here are some details of the property: It's got great character with enough elevation change to accomodate gravity drainage, plenty of space for any kind of sewage treatment system and replacement, rural water is accessible at the road, it's about 8 acres open/grassy field and 2 acres wooded, and it's only about 3 minutes away from a state route and interstate.
It would be the chunk on the left side of the parcel...

So here's the scoop... I talked with the owner for about 10 minutes, asking some basic questions like what's he asking and possibility of land contract, etc. As far as a price, he flat out told me he didn't know what he wanted for it and told me to make him an offer. He said that the property has been for sale for a number of years and would like to get rid of it. My question to you more experienced land owners/land purchasers is what kind of offer would you throw out there to this gentleman if you were in my shoes? Keep in mind that I am only 26 yrs old, married, and I'm doing "ok" but certainly not "rich." I don't really want to offend the guy, but at the same time, I don't know him so what do I have to lose? A little advice would be greatly appreciated!
At this point, the 10 acres is part of a 19 acre parcel, which would need to be surveyed and split when the time comes. According to county auditor records, the owner paid $45,000 for the 19 acres back in 2000. Here are some details of the property: It's got great character with enough elevation change to accomodate gravity drainage, plenty of space for any kind of sewage treatment system and replacement, rural water is accessible at the road, it's about 8 acres open/grassy field and 2 acres wooded, and it's only about 3 minutes away from a state route and interstate.
It would be the chunk on the left side of the parcel...

So here's the scoop... I talked with the owner for about 10 minutes, asking some basic questions like what's he asking and possibility of land contract, etc. As far as a price, he flat out told me he didn't know what he wanted for it and told me to make him an offer. He said that the property has been for sale for a number of years and would like to get rid of it. My question to you more experienced land owners/land purchasers is what kind of offer would you throw out there to this gentleman if you were in my shoes? Keep in mind that I am only 26 yrs old, married, and I'm doing "ok" but certainly not "rich." I don't really want to offend the guy, but at the same time, I don't know him so what do I have to lose? A little advice would be greatly appreciated!