So I posted yesterday about the kitty culling in the news. Well I got sucked into the debate after reading some of the comments. Over time I noticed that people who were commenting had no idea about the details of the article. The people that did the most bashing knew almost nothing about the facts. So I decided to do a little experiment. I created a petition that asked the ODOW to allow the hunting of feral cats in Ohio. I then posted it in the comments section of the article. I wanted to know how many people would sign the petition without reading it. In the first 24 hours I had 7 signatures. 5 of those came from people who were against the shooting and bashed me for defending the officer. These people actually signed a petition without reading it. Heres a link to the petition. Now I realize some may find this in poor taste but I was curious about the outcome.
It was the next day while during a little research on feral cats. That I noticed my petition and my name had gone global. A couple animal rights groups picked up on the petition and began lambasting me. Naturally I took the time to respond to their concerns. I have to say, I knew these people were a little wacko but I underestimated just how far gone from reality they really were. Here's a link to a particularly nasty bunch.
I realize some may think I went a bit far with this and I get that. But I am curious what people in my community think of this.
It was the next day while during a little research on feral cats. That I noticed my petition and my name had gone global. A couple animal rights groups picked up on the petition and began lambasting me. Naturally I took the time to respond to their concerns. I have to say, I knew these people were a little wacko but I underestimated just how far gone from reality they really were. Here's a link to a particularly nasty bunch.
I realize some may think I went a bit far with this and I get that. But I am curious what people in my community think of this.