huntnfool- Knowing these guys and having met George, i feel I can speak my opinion "somewhat" for both sides. Maybe "speaking for Jesse" is not what I am doing as much as "predicting" what I think is going to happen here. I am just trying to keep Jesse from having any premature vein poppage in his forehead. Here is my prediction:
I am hoping Jesse does read this before replying to you, but probably is going to go off like a roman candle anyway. Jesse won't say anything here he wouldn't say to your face. Period. He has a great passion for the woods and hunting and has done many things to get people onto deer and into hunting. From taking the youth hunting, to introducing adults to the sport, to starting a website (with Joe) where we can all come and speak our minds without censorship. He lives for the hunt!
If George wants to come on here, so be it. Come on over. We aren't turning anyone away. However, start with the preachings and he is probably not going to feel very welcomed. I personally am not going to do it, but that is my personality. I don't think you are going to see Jesse turn him away. However, I also don't see too many people here allowing the broken record to keep playing. We are self governing on this site. George wants to come share the experience and offer useful information he is going to be welcomed. George wants to come here with a closed mind preaching, then he is going to hear Jesse say what Jesse has already said. In fact, he is going to hear a lot of people here say very similar things.
George is alright. He believes what he believes and I accept him for it. Unfortunately, when on the computer he doesn't get the feedback until he is done with his rant. His rant is the same rant over and over. I respect him for it, but it goes either 1)unheard, or 2)on repeat until it pisses people off. In the end, George loves the outdoors and hunting just as much as anyone on here. He just has a different approach to things. Such is life. Different strokes for different folks. Does he stir the pot? Yep. Is it intentional? Probably "justified" in his mind to get people thinking. I personally don't think he is a dummy and just likes to get people a little fired up. In the end, I just think he wants to get people to consider the ramifications of their actions, but he just takes it too far most of the time. Therefore he comes across as a pot stirring troll. He truly does share the same love of the outdoors and hunting that we all do. His knowledge of the woods and traditional gear is impressive at times, but it is often overlooked due to his rants on . . . .well, many things.
Wendy- Not sure how she got brought into this. I met her too. She seems like a very nice lady and I enjoyed talking with her. I think ol' Coonie brought her into a world her and her kids never thought she would explore. Good for her. Good for Coonie. I wish them the best. She is welcome too, although I think she might already be on here under the alias "Bow lady" or "Bow girl" or something like that.
As for you, Mr. Huntnfool, I don't know what to tell you. You shot a helluva buck. Congratulations. You had your son along to share the experience. That is awesome. I look forward to many similar experiences with my kids. If you want to contribute to the site and offer useful information, then feel free to do so. I think many here will welcome you. If you want to come here and pick fights and talk smack, then good luck. Plenty on here that will dish it right back at you. This site wasn't created to mimick another site. There is already an established website or two or ten out there that can handle drama/bs/douche bags/ and stupid crap. This site is for hunting. We are going to laugh and carry on at times, but when it is time to get some killing done this is the place to be. I don't think too many on here are going to apologize for doing what we enjoy. I also don't think too many are going to tolerate getting called out on the public forum. You want to contribute, then chime in. You want to stir the pot and start crap, then hit the road. There are other places that thrive on that sort of stuff. I am not going to bash them, just sayin', there are sites that welcome it. As I said, we are self governing here. I have said my peace so I guess the ball is in your court. Start crap or hit the road buddy. Your choice. You want to contribute, then all I can say is "Welcome to TOO baby!"