It will be interesting to see if this drives the price of black guns and ammo up again.
IMO he's Muslim. Black people don't snap and shoot up the office or a public place. Its rate. It's always crazy white people. And with it being 2-3 people points less at a "workplace violence" event and more at a Muslim.
How mucked up is it when there is a mass shooting and one of the suspects in the minds of Americans is the government? "Gee, I wonder if this was another planted shooter to further our anti-gun agenda?" Very sad. This should never be a consideration in the minds of the citizens. I am not saying THIS is the case. Just saying, it is in the back of my mind. Sad indeed.
What if I told you our government was involved in a plan to arm the Mexican drug cartels then use their staggering amount of brutal murders as evidence to support banning guns. 3 years ago you might have laughed an said it was a far fetched conspiracy. Today we know it to be fact.
The sources, who have detailed knowledge of the investigation, cautioned that initial information that an AR-15 was used in the shootings may have been incorrect. It is believed that Alexis had rented an AR-15, but returned it before Monday morning's shootings. Authorities are still investigating precisely how many weapons Alexis had access to and when.
I didn't even know a person could rent a gun! This whole world is nuts.